Chapter 11 The Awakening

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So on the real, I'm bout to fucking die. They tied me to the ladder and now she preaching about how they're gonna be free from all the darkness. Man this is some bullshit. Why couldn't my mom just name the nigga? This could of all been avoided.

"Today is the day that we will be free from this darkness forever and today is the day that this hell on earth ends. Today is the day we are gonna burn the warlock!" She rambled with her first of many speeches with the rest of the people cheering.

Boy I wish my boys would save me already.

"That's not gonna happen!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I looked over and saw my boys standing there with no back up and they act like they gonna do something. Damn well we're gonna die.

"Hey Prince, where's the back up? I mean what the do you think you bout to do with two dudes here?" I asked. He looked at me and winked, then looked back at Christabella. Ugh that bitch.

"You people need to stop this. He is not evil and the apocalypse doesn't exist." Prince said as he walked into the church.

Really? Talking? I would love to see how this turns out.

"She is making you think that Johnathan did this when really it was all you."

He continued.

"Shut you filthy mouth warlock!" Some guy said as he slapped Prince.

Prince looked at the guy, then pushed him and continued to preach and walk.

"You guys are the reason why you're living like this. She wants you believe that warlocks and the apocalypse is real when it's not." He continued to talk some sense into these people and make his way to the front of the church to Christabella.

"She wants you to have fear of things that don't exist so you can help her damn you all to hell!"

She took out a knife and stabbed Prince in the heart.

"Prince!" Me the boys yelled unison.

He fell to the floor and started bleeding out. I felt tears go down my cheek.

"Grabbed those two and we'll burn them as well for today we will be free of this hell." She said as she pointed to Roc and Ray.

They struggled and I knew that was hopeless.

I watched Prince and he wasn't laying down and not dying yet. He was just bleeding and from here it looks like black blood or I'm trippin.

I figured out I wasn't trippin when the floor was collapsing and it looked like he opened the gates of hell. Prince stood up and looked in the opposite direction of the big ass hole behind him.

"What have you done? You brought the demon in here with you and doomed us all!" She yelled in panic.

"Nope just you bitch." He said, thinking he a bad ass.

People were panicking and running everywhere. Prince, Roc and Ray made their way up to me and when they got me, they untied me and got me down.

Soon this bed with barb wire with a kid inside of it came out of the ground and started killing people.

"There's your brother Prod." Prince said looking at the kid.

I couldn't reply. I just watched him kill person after person. I looked down and saw someone crawling out of the ground. At the same time Johnathan was killing Christabella brutally and dancing in her blood. Wait what? How?

He looked up at me and began walking over to the ladder. He climbed up it and we were backing up.

He came over to us and he held his hand out. I took it and he shook it, then brought me into a hug. I hugged him back after about a minute of hesitation.

"He wanted me to tell you to leave and never come back. Do you understand?" He whispered in my ear.

"You're not him?" I asked.

"No I'm his manifestation but I know what he wants from you and that's for you to leave and never come back."

"Ok. I understand."


He touched my head and everything went black.


When Johnathan hugged Prod he passed out, we caught him and looked at Johnathan. He took out a seal from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Take this and go home. Do not return. Do I make myself clear?" He asked sternly.

"Yes. Crystal."

"Stay here until this over, then get him and get out of this church and go back to your car and get out of here. He won't remember a thing when he wakes up and you better not tell him anything."

"Ok but there is no road from where we came from."

"No there wasn't but there is now."

He stood up and turned around but then stopped and came back like he forgot something. He pulled out my phone and handed it to me. I thanked him and he left.

We stayed up against the corner together until it was over.

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