Chapter 9 Records

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I followed detective Gucci to the records office. He got a call so he left me there. I sat down, grabbed one of the boxes and began going through the files.

There was so much about this town and honestly this was a good little town but these people had a fucked up belief. They believed since Johnathan had a unknown father then he was a demon sent to bring the apocalypse.

I continued to read on and I found a picture of Johnathan and he looked exactly like Craig but I know it wasn't him. It couldn't have been him. Is this his brother?

I took my phone out and called Wanda. Hopefully it's not to late to call her. The phone rang three times till she picked up.

"Hello?" She answered. Her voice wasn't sleepy so she was up.

"Hey Wanda it's Keisha, umm I just wanted to know where did you adopt Craig from?"

"We adopted him from orphanage out in west Virginia. I don't really remember the name."

"Oh Ok well I'll figure it out, so Craig is from west Virginia?"

"Yes he is. I'm not to sure what this is all about."

"He wanted to know where he was from and the orphanage, seeing as how we're in west Virginia."

"Oh well tell him I said hi and I love him."

"Ok will do. Bye"


I hung up and started looking through the files to see if I could find the orphanage. I found it and I smiled to myself.

I put all the stuff away and left. I drove over to the orphanage and knocked on the door. A nun answered and I smiled at her.

"Hi I wanted to ask you about a child that was brought here 17 years ago."

I said in my polite voice.

"Oh well come in." She said, moving aside.

I followed her into the service room and sat on one of the bunches with her. I pulled out a picture of Craig and held up to her.

"Do you remember him?" I asked her.

She took the picture and looked at it.

"Yes I remember him. Lovely people that adopted him. Wanda and Craig. How are they? Do you know?"

"They're good."

"So what do you want to know about him?"

"Do you know who dropped him off?"

"No he was found at our door step."

"Do you know where he came from?"

"I would guess Silent Hill but that fire happened when he was born, so I wouldn't really imagine."

"But if there was a chance, then....."

"Then yes he was born in Silent Hill."

So he was born there and dropped off here and no one knows by who but this doesn't really help me find them. I guess I'll tell Walter that I didn't find them and we're so being sued.

"Well thank you so much." I said as I shook her hand.

"You're welcome."

I turned around and thought of something else to ask her.

"Oh and one more thing, you guys didn't happen to think that if a child's father was unknown, then they were a demon that would bring the apocalypse and the only way to purify them was to burn them right?"

"Oh you mean how that poor boy died and that fire that happened? No we didn't believe that."

"Ok just checking."

I left and started my drive back to the hotel. I'll have to tell Walter tomorrow. Sadly.

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