Chapter 12 Its All Over

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We woke up the next morning to find that we were still the church and it was all over. There were bodies everywhere and Prod was still knocked out. I looked at Roc and Ray and they were coming to.

"Is it over?" Ray asked.

"Yea it's over." I replied looking at the seal.

"Let's go home." I said as I got up.

"Is Prod gonna wake up?" Roc asked looking down at him.

"Probably not till we get home."

We picked him, then we left the church. Once we got out there, it was sunny. We looked at each other and went back to the car.

Once we got back to the car, we threw Prod in the passenger seat, Roc and Ray got in the back and I got in the driver seat and drove back to the home.

"We're so getting our asses whupped." Ray said with a slight chuckle.

"Yea but it'll be worth it to see Keisha yelling at us again, seeing as how there was a possibility that we weren't ever gonna hear it again."

"Yea I can't wait to get home." Roc said.

"I second that." I said with a smile.

I know what we went through was scary but we made out alive and together. Keisha can be mad if she want to but it'll pale in comparison to what we just went through. We went through darkness, creatures, crazy ass town people, and angry siblings, but in the end we made it.

I know one thing I can't wait to get home and take me a nice shower and eat me some good ass food. Yea life and God is good.


so we've come to the ending of our scary tale and I hope you've enjoyed it and I know it wasn't long but stay tuned fore there will be a sequel and I'll let you know when it comes out. Silent Hill the revelation.

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