Chapter 1: Questions and Activities

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Mo and Taye- Daniel
Glitch and Lil T- Hannah
Bodie and Noel- Pauline
Lima and Tobi- Peter
Dare and Rasa- Marylee
Emilia and Maccoy- Tyrell
Angel and Aubrey- Brianna
All the kids have been settled in one cabin and are ready to be interviewed by the 2 hosts. (DCPOODLEXX ) Winter and Melody are the hosts for the camp.

"Hello guys, I am the camp leader and I will be here with Melody to ask you guys some questions." Winter said.

"Aunt Winter!" Pauline shouted.

"Hey girl!" Winter replied.

"Anyways, we are going to be asking you guys the questions at the campfire, so Hannah, I'm gonna need you to go get the hersheys, crackers, and marshmallows with Daniel." Melody said.

"Okay, we're on it!" Daniel and Hannah answered together.

"You guys follow me." Melody says as Winter directs them out of the cabin.

After Daniel and Hannah brought the s'mores, they sat by the campfire and started their interview.

"Okay so Peter, how old are you and what sport do you play?" Melody asked.

"Um, I'm 7 and I pway soccer." Peter answered.

"Pretty cool. Brianna, how old are you and what instrument do you play?" Winter asked.

"I'm 12 and I play the guitar." Brianna answered.

"Interesting. How long?" Melody asked.

"I have been playing since I was 4." Brianna answered.

"I can see why. Aubrey probably forced her to play." Melody said to Winter.

"Anyways." Emilia adds while chuckling from Melody's joke. "Daniel, how old are you and what sport do you play?"

"Umm, I'm 13 and I play basketball. My dad forced me to play but I ended up liking it. Daniel answered.

"Mo was a basketball player." Winter said to Melody. "Hannah, how old are you and what sport do you play?"

"I'm 13 and I play tennis. My mom always loved tennis." Hannah answered.

"Cool, Marylee. How old are you and what instrument do you play?" Melody asked.

"I'm 12 and I play the violin." Marylee answered.

"Cool. So that's everyone! Come on guys! We will be doing some activities for today." Winter said as everyone stood up and followed Melody.

"I hope we're not running. I'm not good at running." Brianna said.

"Me either." Peter answered.

After walking for 5 minutes, they finally reached their first activity. The kids were going to be building a tent as if they were going to sleep outdoors.

"Okay, today we will be building a tent!" Winter said to the children.

"But we don't know how to." Tyrell complained.

"Exactly." Melody answered.

"Daniel, I want you with Hannah. Tyrell, I want you with Peter. Brianna, I want you with Marylee, and Pauline, you have the challenge of doing it by yourself." Winter explained.

"That's not fair! Everyone's gonna finish before me!" Pauline complained.

"But you have to try!" Melody added.

"And if you succeed, we'll give you a prize!" Winter added.

"Hey! That's not fair! Stop sucking up to her!" Peter complained.

"You're right. Come on Pauline. Just try!" Melody said to  while Winter started to pat her back.

"Okay, I will try my best." Pauline said.

"3! 2! 1! Go!" Winter and Melody simultaneously said.

All the kids started running to the wrapped tents scattered around the cabins, and they all grabbed the separate tents, and came out of the cabin, and placed them onto the ground. All you could here was plastic being ripped open and thrown in another direction. All the groups were struggling to nail their tents into the ground and to have it be sturdy and not fall, then the first group of kids were finished.

"Done!" Brianna and Marylee yelled together.

"Everyone stop what you're doing right now! We have our winners!" Melody yelled as Winter lifted their arms.

Hey guys! Hope you liked the first chapter! Bye!
Shoutout to DCPOODLEXX
Read her new story, "Fun with Emilia and Winter."
Bye now!

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