Chapter 12: The Missing Host (Part 1)

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Mo and Taye- Daniel - 13 years old
Glitch and Lil T- Hannah - 12 years old
Bodie and Noel- Pauline - 14 years old
Lima and Tobi- Peter - 8 years old
Dare and Rasa- Marylee - 11 years old
Emilia and Maccoy- Tyrell - 12 years old
Angel and Aubrey- Brianna - 12 years old
Summer Time: "June 25"

Melody burst into the kid's cabin and she was upset and confused.

"Have you guys seen Winter? I haven't seen her for the past 5 hours!" Melody complained.

"Of course we haven't! We are not gonna leave the comfort of our cabins to look for Winter!" Hannah added.

"Hey! That's my aunt your talking about!" Pauline said.

"Does it look like I care woman?" Hannah sassily asked.

"WANNA GO HUN!" Pauline screamed.

"ENOUGH! One of our hosts have gone missing, and all you can manage to do is argue?" Melody screamed.

"WOMAN! CALM DOWN!" Tyrell responded.

"Yell at me again at your own risk." Melody yelled.

All the kids were terrified.

"Okay, that took a deep turn..." Daniel said.

"We'll go get in the shower." Peter added.

"Okay then! Hurry up!" Melody screamed.

The kids separated into the two restrooms and they took their showers and got dressed.

"Man, I look flawless!" Daniel said.

"Me too! I look fierce!" Marylee added.

"No, just... N–no..." Tyrell responded.

"Rude." Marylee mumbled under her breath.

"Come on. Let's go. Let's go!" Melody shouted as she gathered the children to go eat breakfast.

The kids followed Melody who was so upset that Winter was gone for a while.

"So then I was like.. You look dusty!" Peter explained.

"HAHAH!" Everyone laughed.

"SHHH! No talking!" Melody yelled.

The kids walked silently the rest of the way to the lunch room. They walked up the hill and then they got their trays from inside their building.

"Guys. I think Melody is upset." Marylee whispered.

"You think? Look at her! Her face is red and you think she's upset?" Tyrell responded.

"I'm sorry. Jeez." Marylee added.

The kids got their breakfast and then they sat down at one table.

"Where do you guys think Winter is?" Peter asked.

"She's probably left the camp to get some alone time." Brianna added. "I think I overheard Melody and Winter talking about Winter and her new boyfriend."

"Snoop much?" Hannah added.

"Anyways, as I was saying, she could've left camp to hang with her new boyfriend." Brianna said.

"But she wouldn't just leave unexpectedly though." Daniel replied.

"I guess you're right. After we finish our breakfast, we are probably gonna help Melody find Winter or at least find clues to where she could be." Tyrell added.

The kids ate the rest of their breakfast and then Melody forced them to help her look for clues to where Winter could be.

"I don't wanna find Winter. She won't wake us up in the morning anymore!" Pauline complained.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WAKES US UP!" Everyone yelled.

"Rude." Pauline mumbled under her breath.

The kids followed Melody into the cabin where Winter and Melody slept.

"You guys have a TV?" Hannah asked.

"AND A POOL?" Daniel asked.

"So you think it's okay to make us live the poor person lifestyle when you guys aren't?" Tyrell yelled.

"They have lots of food in the fridge too." Daniel said looking through the fridge as he stuffed grapes into his mouth.

"Daniel! Get out of there!" Melody yelled.

"Okay.. Okay.. Jeez." Daniel replied as he left from the fridge.

"Okay. Winter's room is over there, so I need you guys to find as much clues that you can find." Melody explained.

"Okay, got it." All the kids answered.

The kids split up into different sides. The girls got the restroom and the boys got the actual bedroom.

"All I see is stretched out panties.." Pauline says.

"And they smell like booty too." Hannah said.

"Well, duh. They have been in her booty." Brianna added.

"Marylee, look in her closet." Brianna says as she points to what looks like a walk-in closet.

Marylee walks into the closet only to be surprised at what she sees.

"You guys have to come see this!" Marylee shouts.

The girls rush into the closet only to see a whole underground shopping mall!

"THEY HAVE A MALL! EEEEK!" The girls shout as they run down the stairs to start shopping.

50 minutes later

The girls came up the stairs and they were covered in golden bracelets, necklaces, and rings, and also covered in expensive clothing.

"Where were you guys?" Tyrell asked.

"Umm, at the mall." Marylee replied.

"What mall?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry about it." Hannah answered.

The kids looked for any more clues when they discovered a little note under Winter's bed.

If you are reading this, Winter has been arrested for DUI. She is at the Montessori Prison.

"MELODY!" The kids shouted.

"What? What did you guys find?" Melody asked as she walked into Winter's side of the cabin.

"Winter was arrested for DUI!" Daniel yelled.

"What's DUI?" Peter asked.

"Driving under influence." Daniel answered.

"But that doesn't make sense. She hasn't been driving to go anywhere." Melody said.

"But maybe she did it before and now is when they are catching her." Tyrell replied.

"You could be right, but how?" Melody asked.

"Those tall lamp posts on the street take pictures of people's license plates." Brianna said.

"You're also right, but when did Winter get drunk?" Melody asked.

"Only God knows." Pauline answered.

"Guys, we have to go get Winter out of jail." Melody said.

"YEAH! I feel so awesome!" Peter yelled.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A chapter of mine takes at least 3-6 days to get finished.

Shout out to:


You're really funny.

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