Chapter 13: The Missing Host (Part 2)

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Mo and Taye- Daniel - 13 years old
Glitch and Lil T- Hannah - 12 years old
Bodie and Noel- Pauline - 14 years old
Lima and Tobi- Peter - 8 years old
Dare and Rasa- Marylee - 11 years old
Emilia and Maccoy- Tyrell - 12 years old
Angel and Aubrey- Brianna - 12 years old
Summer Time: June 26, 2016

A day after Winter's secret was figured out about her being arrested for DUI. Melody texted Noel to tell her about the situation and because she needed someone to talk to, because she did not want to talk to kids all day long.


N-yeah, I know! She got arrested for drunk driving.
M- yeah, who knew that Winter would do that..
N- I know right. It was always me who got drunk.
M-OMG! Really?
N- yeah. Bodie got mad at me for getting drunk too much and broke up with me but then we got back together.
N- Ikr, btw I'm on my way to the camp, I will be there in about 15 min
M- okay ttyl 😁
N- peace 🙈

Noel drove into the Camp's parking lot and ran as fast as she could to the nearest cabins. She barged into one of them and saw all the kids.

"Mom!" Pauline shouted.

"Hey!" Noel said as she kissed her daughter on the forehead. "Okay, so where's Melody?"

"Right behind ya." Marylee answered as Noel turned around and hugged Melody tightly.

"It's been so long!" Melody said to Noel.

"You've gained weight... Is there a boy involved?" Noel asked.

"Yup, he says he likes girls with big butts.." Melody answered.

How nice... (Note the $arca$m ((sarcasm)) lol)

"What are they talking about?" Hannah asked.

"Big butts and boys." Daniel answered.

"Ahh, I can see where those connect." Marylee added.

"Anyways, I came here for one reason, and that was to get Winter out of jail for DUI." Noel said.

"Yeah, we are going to go to the jail and bail her out. I paid Aubrey and Angel to come look after the kids. They should be here in 15 minutes..." Melody responded.

"Why the long wait?" Noel asked.

"Traffic. They got into traffic because Aubrey went crazy after she couldn't find her phone so they were held back at their house for another 2 hours." Melody replied.

"Okay, well You should have the kids stay in their cabins while Aubrey and Angel make their way over here." Noel said.

"Yeah, that's what I was planning to do." Melody said.

Melody and Noel told the kids to stay in their cabins and to not leave them until Aubrey and Angel make their way over here and are able to look over them. Melody and Noel drove off in Noel's car and drove to the prison to bail out Winter.

"Okay guys. We have the cabin to ourselves for like the next 1 hour and 30 minutes. Let's wreck this place!" Marylee shouted.

"Come on Marylee, we have to really impress Melody and Winter when she gets back. We can't go wrecking this place." Pauline replied.

"You're right. Let's go through their room!" Marylee added.

"Now you're talking!" Pauline responded as everyone ran to Melody and Winter's cabin.

The kids opened the door and the first thing they all did was go through their fridge which was full of steak, a bunch of Popsicles and ice cream, left-over chicken leaf wraps, pancakes, waffles, and the last and the most beautiful of them all, the skittle ice cream cake.

"IS THAT A SKITTLE ICE CREAM CAKE?" Daniel asked as he removed the cake from the fridge and placed it on the table. "Yep, it is. I'm eating it. I don't care what y'all think."

"They have steak? Me likey, me eating." Peter added as he removed the steak from the fridge and warmed it up in the microwave.

"I CALL THE WAFFLES!" Hannah shouted.


"We won't eat your ice cream. Calm the hell down lady." Daniel replied.

All the kids were eating their food and watching America's Got Talent which was playing on the tv when they realized that an hour and 30 minutes had already passed and that Aubrey and Angel were already at the camp and were already looking for them. When the kids tried to make their escape, they were caught when Aubrey and Angel came into Winter and Melody's cabin which they were at.

"Isn't this Melody and Winter's cabin?" Aubrey asked.

"Yup." Tyrell answered.

"MOM! DAD!" Brianna shouted as she ran to go hug her parents.

"Hey sweetheart." Angel replied. "Why are you guys in here?"

"To be honest, since you guys weren't gonna be here for a while, we came into their room and ate all---

Hannah made a sign to Daniel that he should not say they ate all of their food.

"Most of their food while watching tv." Daniel answered to Angel.

"Man, we were gonna do that too!" Angel said as he shared ice cream with his daughter.

"We? You mean you. I'm calling Melody." Aubrey said as she picked up her phone from her purse and dialed Melody's number. "Wait, is that rainbow sherbet ice cream? Me likey, me eating."

Aubrey and Angel ate their lives away with the kids and everybody eventually fell asleep in Melody and Winter's cabin. Melody, Winter, and Noel then made their way back to their cabin only to see Aubrey and Angel and a bunch of other kids, sleeping their lives away.

"Oh, they're gonna be in so much trouble tomorrow." Melody said.

Hey guys! Camp DCI is back! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Shout outs to:

purplegirl1226 Static_Electro SorayaJoya DCPOODLEXX lanaboo333 cececkocore

I gotta think of my catch phrase at all the ends of my books.

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