Chapter 4: Bullied

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Mo and Taye- Daniel - 13 years old
Glitch and Lil T- Hannah - 12 years old
Bodie and Noel- Pauline - 14 years old
Lima and Tobi- Peter - 7 years old
Dare and Rasa- Marylee - 11 years old
Emilia and Maccoy- Tyrell - 12 years old
Angel and Aubrey- Brianna - 12 years old
Peter was the youngest one in the camp and would not fit in with the rest of the kids because of how young he was. Luckily, he had two "brothers" (as he calls them) that stick up for him and don't make fun of him at all. The kids were getting ready to go to breakfast in the morning, and after they prayed, they were on their way to the cafeteria. While he was walking, he was tripped by Brianna, and laughed at by all the girls.

"Hey, it's not funny!" Peter yelled.

"It kinda is, you look like a complete idiot!" Marylee answered.

"Chill, he is just 7." Tyrell added.

"But he is the youngest, and he won't do anything." Brianna replied.

Peter got up from the floor with tears coming down his eyes, but Daniel and Tyrell put their arms over his neck. They reached the cafeteria, and got their lunches from the lunch lady. As Peter was going to sit down with Tyrell and Daniel, Hannah tripped him and he fell on the ground which caused his food to stain his face and his shirt.

"Hahah!" All the girls laughed.

"You guys are so mean." Peter said as a bunch of tears went down his face and onto his shirt.

Daniel followed Peter into the restroom only to see him crying and washing mashed potatoes out of his hair.

"Hey, you okay?" Daniel asked.

"No, I'm not otay. Ever since I came here, all the girls have been teasing me." Peter answered.

"Well, don't let them get to you. Just know that Tyrell and I will be here for you." Daniel added.

"Thanks." Peter answered.

After lunch, everyone was going to the lounge to receive letters from their parents and to send back letters too. Winter and Melody gave every student a few letters from their parents and gave them a piece of paper and a pencil to put in an envelope to give back to Winter or Melody and they will send it to each of their parents.

Dear Daniel,

We miss you so much and we wanted to inform you that you are having a baby sister. I hope you have not been causing trouble at the camp cause you know your father will come after you. Anyways, hope you're doing well. I left an 100 dollar bill for you in the envelope for you to get that new phone you have been bugging me for.

Your mother.

"I'm having a baby sister!" Daniel shouted.

Dear Brianna,
I hope you're being a good girl at the camp and that you're not causing any trouble for anyone. I left you a 20 dollar bill for you to get that glow-in-the-dark nail polish you've been bugging me for. We love you so much.

Your father.

Now, it was time for the kids to write back to their parents.

Dear parents,

Ever since I got to this camp, all the girls have been bulleeing me. Today, they tripped me onto the ground, and laughed at me and I got a cut on my nee. The only people who haven't been mean to me are Daniel and Tyrell. Please come pick me up and take me out of here.


With Lima and Tobi after they received the letter

"WHY ARE THEY BULLYING MY CHILD? Haven't they taught their children the right way to treat a little kid?" Tobi angrily shouted. "Didn't Angel or Aubrey, or Bodie or Noel, or any of the other parents have common sense to teach their kids the right way to treat younger children?"

"Calm down, honey." Lima added.

"No, I will not calm down! My son is being bullied at the camp!" Tobi angrily replied.

Tobi and Lima flew their helicopter to the camp to see if his son was okay, and he landed his helicopter and entered the cabin only to see his son's favorite action figures being broken by Marylee and Pauline.

"What are you doing?" Tobi asked as he walked into the cabin.

"Daddy!!" Peter yelled.

Peter jumped into his dad's arms.

"I have been hearing you guys have been bullying Peter." Tobi said.

"That's — not true." Brianna responded.

"Oh it's not? Then what's this letter that he sent to us?" Tobi asked as he unfolded the paper and showed it to the girls.

"Okay, we have to admit. We have been bullying Peter. We thought he wouldn't do anything since he is the youngest." Marylee answered.

"Oh yeah, wait till I tell your parents about this." Tobi added. "I don't care if you hate me or not, I am going to tell all of your parents."

"No, no. Daddy wait, Daniel and Tyrell are the ones who were standing up for me. Don't tell their parents." Peter screamed.

"Where are they?" Tobi asked.

"Over dere." Peter said as he pointed to them.

Tobi dropped Peter on to a bed and walked over to Daniel and Peter who were washing their faces.

"Hey." Tobi said.

"AAAAH— h-hey Mr. Tobi." Daniel and Tyrell said simultaneously.

"I just want to thank you guys for not teasing my son like the others were. You guys are really good friends." Tobi added.

"Anytime." Daniel and Tyrell said as they started to wash their faces again.

Tobi came and said good bye to his son and told all the kids that they should apologize and that he won't tell their parents.

"I'm sorry." All the girls said.

"It's otay." Peter answered.

Hey guys. Sorry for the wait. It wasn't really long tho, but it was... Nvm. Hope you enjoyed!
Shoutout to:
cececkocore cupecake78 DCPOODLEXX purplegirl1226 lanaboo333
They are really cool!

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