Chapter 18: The Birthday Fire (Part 1)

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Mo and Taye- Daniel - 14 years old
Glitch and Lil T- Hannah - 12 years old
Bodie and Noel- Pauline - 14 years old
Lima and Tobi- Peter - 8 years old
Dare and Rasa- Marylee - 11 years old
Emilia and Maccoy- Tyrell - 12 years old
Angel and Aubrey- Brianna - 12 years old
Summer Time: July 9, 2016

Daniel woke up to kids and his parents standing by his bed with a cake and a bunch of balloons in their hands.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone shouted.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" Daniel asked.

"Literally 30 minutes." Marylee answered. "You should stop sleeping late."

"Ooh, is that sass I hear? Someone isn't getting cake." Daniel played around.

"Whatever." Marylee added.

"Get out of bed and blow your candles!" Hannah demanded.

"Okay." Daniel replied as he got out of bed to start blowing his candles.

Daniel closed his eyes and as he opened them, he blew out his candles.

"What did you wish for?" Tyrell asked.

"You stupid boy. You're never supposed to answer that question." Daniel rudely answered.

"Daniel!" Taye yelled.

"What? It's true." Daniel responded.

"Anyways, since it's your birthday, you guys have a free day!" Melody exclaimed. "What do you wanna do first?"

"Can we bake?" Daniel asked.

"Umm, sure. Okay!" Winter replied.

"Okay. You guys go get ready and meet us in the cafeteria so we can start baking!" Melody said.

The kids were happy that they were baking so they went into the two seperate restrooms and took their showers and got dressed.

As soon as they were ready, they walked out of the cabin, and then saw Melody and Winter waiting for them so that they could take them to the cafeteria.

"Come on guys." Winter said.

Winter directed the kids to the cafeteria and once they reached there, the kids ran into the kitchen.

"You guys put on these aprons." Taye said as she gave the kids their individual aprons.

The kids put the aprons on and were given chef hats.

"You guys ready to start baking?" Mo asked.

"Yes!" Everyone responded joyfully.

The kids were given all the ingredients for the cake that they were making.

"I call mixing last!" Hannah said.

"Why?" Tyrell asked.

"Cause whoever is last gets to stir the longest." Hannah answered.

"Then I wanna go last too!" Peter added.

"Then who's gonna go first?" Winter asked.

"Fine, I will." Marylee volunteered.

"Thanks." Everyone added.

The kids were done baking and but they had to boil some water for one special touch in the cake that they were making.

The kids had to wait 6 minutes for the water to boil just right for the cake.

The kids were waiting in the cafeteria kitchen and decided to play a few games while they were waiting for the water to boil.

"I can't believe you actually watched that movie! It's R-rated!" Peter exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm just a bad boy." Daniel replied.

"Bad boy? You wish. You asked your mother for permission to go on the Disney website." Hannah added.

"Ooh, burn!" Everyone yelled.

Hannah came up to Daniel and pushed him towards the stove causing something move to the right.

"Guys, let's go out up our aprons and chef hats, since we are basically almost done with our cake." Brianna said.

The kids left the cafeteria kitchen and gave all the chef hats and aprons to Melody and Winter.

The kids sat down at one of the tables and began chatting and they lost track of time.

"Guys! Did you leave the stove on?" Melody asked.

All the kids looked at each other and quickly got up from their seats and ran to the kitchen.

All they could see and smell was smoke. The kids moved towards the source of the fire.

The pot was rusted all over with fire flaming all over it. The oven door fell off and the cake was so burnt it exploded. Cake gunk blasted onto the wall.

"I can't believe we f—forgot about the pot and the oven!" Peter said as he coughed.

As soon as Peter finished his sentence, the pot fell onto the cake gunk and caused the fire to spread more.

The fire weakened down the cafeteria walls and it fell over onto the stove.

"Guys, let's go!" Melody shouted.

Everyone ran out of the cafeteria only to see the whole building collapse, and fall apart. The fire kept spreading and met up with all of the cabins causing them to set on fire and collapse.

"I had my glow in the dark nail polish in there!" Brianna complained.

"Calm down princess." Marylee replied. "That isn't the biggest of our problems."

"This was the worst birthday by far." Daniel said as he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Pauline asked.

"Oh nothing, but that was awesome!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Yeah it was!" All the other boys added.

The boys did their complicated handshake.

"Boys." Hannah mumbled under her breath.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Part 2 will be up soon! Sorry it took so long. Vacation has been holding me back from coming on Wattpad. But if you have kik, add me on it. My name is king.godlove

Shout outs to: purplegirl1226 SorayaJoya Static_Electro tobidci thestardomcrew DCPOODLEXX

I'm out!

Camp DCI: Summer Camp | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz