Anastasia Lucendent Adela

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   We sped through the darkness silent and intent. My heart hammer rapidly against my chest, my pulse pounded in my ears. Thunderclouds hung ominously in the sky, threatening to pour at any second.

When we reached the castle I swung down from Papa Bear in one swift motion. Arthur followed closely behind, his presence consistent against the chaos I felt inside. The guard promised to update me with news as soon as possible, and disappeared into the castle.

Papa Bear nervously pawed the ground as we waited. I felt the same way as I waited anxiously for my father and brother to appear on the horizon. A guard offered to take Bear's reigns, and I realized my knuckles had turned white from gripping them so tight.

My brothers and Mother appeared in the doorway surrounded by bustling maids and guards like bees swarming around their queen. The guards quickly urged Arthur and I to come into their protective circle, but I was already sprinting into Mother's arms.

"They are going to be okay," she whispered stroking my hair softly. She kept repeating this in a soft murmur against my ear. Our hearts were beating in the same rhythm, and I felt August place a hand comfortingly on my shoulder. Arthur stood back, awkwardly standing in my range of vision just so I would know he hasn't left me.

Then I saw them. The crowd of horses riding towards the castle. I pull from Mother, running as far as the guards would allow me to try and get a better glance at the approaching men.

The fist around my heart loosens when I spot the obvious silhouette of my father at the front. Next to him was Arrow and James's silhouette hunched forward. I almost laugh aloud in relief.

They are safe! I turn to my brothers and Mother to celebrate, but I notice they haven't smiled yet. I frown, turning back to the group and squinting to look closer. Something was off. I noticed that Father was holding something connecting him to James, and as they grow closer I realize they are chains.

The chains wrapped around James from his arms to his legs, a twist of metal links similar to large vines circling there way up a tree.

I was startled to see this, and was about to demand why my brother was chained up like some prisoner, but as they passed near a torchlight I stumble away. That is not my brother, it is a Waterwalker. A scrawny white haired man is tangled within the chains, probably a soldier caught and brought in to interrogate.

It makes no since. Only James rides on Arrow. Why is he riding on James's horse?

The army men slowly dismounted their horses, all grunting from sore limbs and tired legs. Their bodies slumped in exhaustion, and several had bloody stains across their armor. Several glance up at me, but quickly look away.

Father jumps down from Stone, his expression stormy and distant. Very different from its usual calm. Mother tried to walk towards him, but a guard softly insisted she stay back. Father didn't say a word as he turned on the Waterwalker man, yanking the loose chain around him so hard he toppled off Arrow and crumbled onto the floor in a violent motion.

Father towered over him like a giant, his breathing heavy as his usually soft brown eyes burned with something dark and powerful.

I broke past the line of guards even when they tried to pull me back. "Father!" I call to him, and he startled before glancing up at me. As if he forgot I was there watching. "Where is James?" I ask breathlessly, looking towards the faces of the men around him.

None of them would meet my eyes, even the boys who have been James's friend since they were little wouldn't look up at me. Instead, the men stared at their feet, refusing to meet the eyes of their princess. I am slowly becoming for frantic, and I turned to Father, but his eyes were locked on his prisoner.

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