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*Moving day*

Athena's POV.

So today is moving day and I'm not excited. I'm so nervous about my new school, I've never changed schools before so I don't know what it's like to be the new girl. What if I don't make any friends? What if I'm considered the weird girl cuz I'm Canadian and I have an "accent"? Oh gosh I'm not ready for this.
Just thinking about all this caused my breathing to speed up but I eventually calmed down.
I'm looking around the house one last time before I go, everyone and everything is outside all ready to go. Sofia said she's gonna meet me at the airport to say our last goodbye. I can't deal with this! How am I supposed to get through grade 11 without my best friend?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my mom calling for me to come because the taxi is here. Wow, once I walk out of this house I'm leaving behind everything I've ever known, my childhood home, my school, my friends, my city. I get into the taxi and take a deep breath and my mom pats my knee.

"Everything will be just fine Athena" she says sympathetically. I sure hope so.

I put in my ear phones and listen to 5sos's album Sounds Good Feels Good, for some reason their music always makes me feel better. I look out the window taking in all the sights as we near Toronto Pearson Airport. I remember all the times, when I was a young kid, that we took this exact route to get to the airport but I never thought that one day we would be leaving with a one way ticket.

We arrived at the airport and it was super busy. We got our bags out of the trunk, we didn't have many bags seeing as all our stuff has already been sent over to New Jersey. So I took my backpack and started walking.
I saw a familiar face and I started running. Sofia and I basically body checked each other. I instantly had tears in my eyes, we were hugging each other and crying and telling each other well never forget all our memories. I know this sounds a bit dramatic seeing as we can FaceTime whenever, we can snapchat, text...etc. But come on don't ruin the mood.
We both had tear stained cheeks so we went to the washroom and cleaned up our faces. We said our last good byes before she couldn't come any further into the airport. And with that I turned around and didn't look back. I couldn't it'd be too hard.

*On the plane*

My parents seats are separated from mine but I'm ok with that because who knows if I get seated beside some really hot guy. Or what about a celebrity? Ohmygosh I've heard so many stories about people being on the same plane as Justin Bieber or One Direction!!
Finally the person gets to their seat beside me and the first thing I notice is his amazing cologne. I quickly take a look at him and he's a pretty handsome looking guy and I'm guessing he's around my age. This is gonna be a good flight.
He sits down and looks at me, "Hi I'm Nick" he says with a bright smile, I smile back and say, "Hi I'm Athena"
"So you visiting Toronto or..."
"No I live here, well, lived cuz I'm moving to New Jersey" I say.
"Oh nice I live in New Jersey"
"Ya I could tell by the accent" I giggle
"Are you kidding what accent? If anyone has an accent it's you" he's says in a fake defensive tone.
"Ya ok whatever you say" I said sarcastically. Wow I like this guy he's so comfortable with people I feel like I've known him longer than just a few minutes.
"Well anyways maybe we'll see each other around Jersey, ya?" He said with his white smile.
"Ya I'd like that" I say smiling back.

The flight is only an hour and a half long so I decide to listen to music instead of watch a movie. I play Basket Case by Greenday and close my eyes.

When I wake up I notice my head is on Nick's shoulder so I quickly snap my head up, "Oh sorry I didn't know I was leaning against you" I say blushing. "No it's all cool you've only been asleep for like 30 minutes" he says with a comforting smile. We sit there for a good 20 awkward seconds so I break the silence.

"You know, I've never been to New Jersey can you tell me about it?"

"Oh man it's a great place, I grew up there and I love it. Your lucky it's summer break so you have time to get used to it before school starts. Hey actually why don't I give you my number and I can show you around anytime." He said excitedly.

"Really? That'd be great." I said blushing.

"Your cute when you blush" he said quietly. His statement only made me blush even more so I put my hands to my face.

"Haha thanks" I said shyly. Then he reached over and took my phone, he went into contacts and put his number in.

"Call me" he said with a wink.  I haven't even got to New Jersey yet and I already have a friend! This move might not be so bad after all...

A/n: That's chapter two! Hope you enjoyed it! Please vote, it encourages me to keep writing and it lets me know that people are liking the story :) thanks!

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