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Ethan's POV.

I can't believe Athena. How could she date that jerk? I'm so mad at her, she saw the tension between Nick and I and then she goes and dates Nick? I thought we were friends.

I take out my laptop and search for a website that lets you create your own website. Once I found one I started working on it.

Athena's POV.

Ugh I'm so annoyed with Ethan right now. Who does he think he is? He has no right to tell me who I can date. I feel gross now thanks to him so I'm gonna take a shower to calm my anger and because Nick is coming over in a few hours. I take my phone so I can listen to music while I'm in the shower and walk over to the washroom.

*after the shower*

I put a towel around my body and walk over to my wardrobe to pick out my outfit. I decide to wear a striped T-shirt dress and I tie an army green button-up shirt around my waist. I apply some makeup and blow dry my hair so it's straight but not too straight, d'ya feel?

I go downstairs and sit on the couch while I'm on my phone waiting for Nick to get here. After a bit there's a knock at the door, I rush over and open the door. I greet Nick with a peck on the lips and then we walk into the house.

"Mom! Dad! Nick's here!" I yell. My parents come from the backyard and greet Nick.

"Hi Nick, how are you?" My mom ask engulfing him in a hug.

"I'm good and you?" He asks. Aw he's trying so hard to be formal, what a cute dork.

"Marvellous." My mom answers causing me to snort. Marvellous? Really mom?

"Hi Jonny." Nick says shaking my dads hand.

"Hello son! Wanna help me with the steaks?" My dad asks motioning to the backyard. Nick looks at me for permission I guess, so I nod.

"Ya why not!" Nick answers.

We all end up walking out back. My mom and I sit at a couch that's outside and we watch the guys prepare the food.

"So Nick is really nice." My mom says smiling at me.

"Ya he really is." I say smiling at him.

"You really like him don't you?" My mom asks.

"Well I mean we are dating so..." I laugh.

"Ya that's true." My mom laughs with me.

I love seeing Nick get along with my parents it makes me feel good about my decision especially because Grayson and Ethan keep making me second guess Nick and my relationship. Once the men were done barbecuing we all sat at the table on our patio. There were lights in the trees surrounding us and the sun was just starting to set. We all talked and laughed as we ate. Tonight is so perfect.

Ethan's POV.

I can see where Athena and Nick are sitting from a window in my house. They look like they're really enjoying themselves. How gross. For some reason I decide to take out my phone and take pictures of them but especially Athena. I don't know why I'm doing this but it feels right. I'll probably put these on the website I created later.

Nick's POV.

Tonight has gone perfectly I really think Athena's parents like me. We've finished our desert and I really want to go swimming with Athena. I guess I should just ask her parents now.

"So is it ok if Athena and I go swimming for a bit? I know it's getting late but-" I was cut of by her mom.

"Of course it's fine." She said with a smile.

Stalker - Grayson/Ethan Dolan fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now