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Athena's POV.

It was a boy, I'm guessing the one I saw yesterday. He had dark brown hair that was messily on his forehead, because he was sweating, his eyes were brown with a hint of gold when they hit the light and don't even get me started on his jaw line.

"Hey sorry about the ball it didn't hit you I hope..." He said, his voice trailing off as he notices something on my face.

Wow did I really look that bad? I mean I know I'm not wearing makeup but jeez. Tough critic.

"Your nose is bleeding!" He said with a worried expression. And with that, in about two seconds he hoped the fence -very gracefully might I ad-.

My eyes widened as I saw his muscles flex while pushing himself over the fence. And on top of that he was shirtless. Gahdamn.

"Oh no really it's fine" I said all flustered.

"No it's not ugh I'm so sorry, come on  let's clean you up" he said tilting my head up and leading me to my house.
We walk through the back door into the kitchen.

"Where are your tissues?" He asked. I pointed over to the counter and he grabbed a few handing them to me.

"Thanks" I said wiping the blood off of my face. He smiled in response.

"Oh! I'm Grayson by the way" he said smiling.

"Athena" I said returning the smile.

"I'm really sorry about your nose, I wish we could've met in a different less painful way" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Honestly it's fine, it not like it's broken" I said, blushing slightly coming to the realization that there is a shirtless boy in my house and my parents aren't home.

Wait. I'm in a bikini.

My cheeks became a scarlet colour and I tried covering my stomach with my hands, failing miserably. I guess Grayson notice because started giggling.

"No need to feel embarrassed babe, I've seen girls in bikinis before" he said with a smirk. My eyes went wide which caused him to laugh even more.

"Welp my moms probably wondering where I am. It was nice to meet you Athena I'll check back to see how your nose is doing."

"Ok ya uhm see you. Oh and feel free to come over to swim anytime." I said looking at my hands.

"Ok cool" he said cheerfully. We both walk outside to the backyard we waved goodbye and he hopped back over the fence and I laid back down on the long chair.

After a few hours of tanning then jumping in the pool, I grew hungry and decided to go out for food. I put on a summer dress over my bikini and put on some mascara, I left my hair down because by now it was dry and wavy. I went downstairs grabbed my house key and threw on my white converse, then I left. I had already googled where the nearest Starbucks was so I began walking remembering what google maps had showed me.

As soon as I walked in I noticed someone familiar sitting at a table by themselves. What should I do? Should I pretend I didn't see them or go up to them? Ugh I hate how awkward I am in these situations. I decided to get in line then I'll go up to the brown haired boy and see what he's up to.

"Hi how may I help you"

"Hey can I get a tall caramel ribbon crunch please"

"Ya sure what's your name?"


"Athena?" Someone called out from behind me, causing me to turn around.

"Oh hey Nick!" I said smiling.

Stalker - Grayson/Ethan Dolan fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now