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A/n: Please ignore the watermark and Ethan in the background :) it's the best picture I could find of beat up Grayson. Enjoy <3

Athena's POV.

As Grayson and I were hugging I heard the front door open.

"Oh great! I think my parents are home, I'll ask my mom to show me where she keeps the blow up mattress." I say pulling away from Grayson. I make my way towards the front door with Grayson following behind me.

"Hi mom, hi dad!" I smile as I embrace them in a big hug. Once the hug is over my parents realize Grayson is standing there.

"Oh Grayson! I didn't see you-" my mom says walking towards him with her arms out for a hug.

"What happened to you?!" My mom asks as she approaches him, clearly noticing the cuts and bruises on his face.

"Um I - uh-"

"We'll talk about it during dinner ok?" I butt in.

"Alright..." My mom gives me a questioning look so I smile nervously back.

*Dinner; at the table*

So far my parents haven't asked about Grayson's face yet so I decide to bring up the elephant in the room.

"Mum, dad, I think it's best if I address the elephant in the room." I nervously chuckle.

"Sure, go on." My dad implies.

"Well it's kind of a story, so Grayson and I went to six flags today,"

"Ooh fun!" My mom exclaims.

"Ya it was great! But when we got back Nick was waiting in the driveway. And I guess he got really jealous so long story short, he started beating up Grayson. Grayson, obviously had to fight back and defend himself, but anyways, Nick and I broke up." I say rolling my eyes.

"What a shame I liked that guy." My dad says, causing my mom to hit his arm.

"John! He beat up poor Grayson, don't say that!"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, Clair." Grayson shakes his head.

"Ok but mom is it ok if we put the blow up mattress in my room for Grayson cuz he can't have his parents seeing him like this..." I say looking hopefully at my mom, but before she can say anything my dad cuts in.

"Athena, as much as I trust you, and Grayson, I'd rather have Grayson stay on our couch, you're still so young and-"

"Dad! We're not gonna do anything!" I squeal with embarrassment, earning a chuckle from Grayson and I face palm.

"I know, I know, I'm just saying I'd feel more comfortable if Grayson stayed on the couch rather than in my 17 year olds room."

"Dad-" I start but Grayson cuts me off.

"John, I completely understand where you're coming from, I'd be happy to sleep on the couch, it's better than my parents seeing me like this." Grayson says motioning towards his face.

"See Athena." My dad says, clearly proud that Grayson took his side. All I do in response is face palm, again.

"Ok, well after dinner, Athena and I will bring pillows and blankets to the couch for you, Grayson." My mom smiles.

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