Chapter 5

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~~Nate's POV~~

I was sitting in this plain room with no pictures hanging on the walls.

The only thing that was in it was a TV and sofas. I had sat up but moaned at the pain that shot through my body.

I realized that the boy who had brought me here was in the next room over.

He had walked back with the white piece of cloth in his hands. He tried to hand it to me. As I reached for it pain shot through my body.

I couldn't help but blush as I was about to say the words "will you do it for me?"

Oliver looked the slightest shade of red as he walked forward and leans down to start wiping my face.

Once he was finally finished he he looked at me and told me "I'll be right back."

Once he returned he had a glass of water in one hand and what looked like medicine and his other hand.

He walked over to me and handed them to me I looked at them and asked "what are they?"

He looked at me and said it'll help with the pain. He gave me a reassuring smile.

I took them. Once we have finished that he sat next to me.

He looked at me and asked with a worried look on his face "if you don't know who you are where will you stay? Do you know where you live?"

I look down and try my hardest to remember. After a couple of minutes I looked back at him and said "I'm sorry I have no clue where I live or even who I am for that matter."

He gave me a reassuring smile that told me I could trust him he looked at me and said "that's okay."

He said "you could stay here if you want I live alone nobody will bother us" then he stopped.

His face turned red he looked at me with a worried expression he started shaking his head fiercely "no no no no no I didn't mean it like that I promise."

I started to chuckle I looked at him and said "what would that be so bad" he turned even redder.

I started to laugh but stopped quickly. I looked at him and gave him a serious look and asked "you're really let me stay here even though you don't know who I am?"

He looked at me and said "sure why not,you won't try to hurt me will you?"

I looked at him and laughed "no not after what she said I'm scared to even move after that."

He helped me up off the sofa and started to walk me to a room. He entered the room .

Oliver looked at me and said "you could stay here this could be your room if you like."

I look down at my bloody clothes and look back at him. I gave him a pleading smile. I asked "do you think I could shower first."

He chuckled and said "sure."

He showed me to the bathroom and showed me how to work the shower then he looked back at me and said "I'll go find you some clothes that will fit."

I started the shower and jumped in. once I finished I turned off the shower and and got out.

But what happened next was shocking.

The door started to open and Oliver walked in.

Who Am I ??Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora