Chapter 7

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~~Nate's POV~~

It had taken me forever to finally fall asleep. And once I had all I could do was toss and turn. Then it happened.

I was in some house that look familiar but I couldn't quite place where I knew it from.

As I walk through the halls I saw someone walk in front of me. It was a woman she was so beautiful.

As I was following her someone else had just kicked in the door. They had ran in and had pinned both of us to the ground.

She was yelling and begging for them to let me go. She was begging and pleading not to hurt us.

Then the grip on my arms had loosened just enough for me to push agents him to get free.

Once I had pushed pass him I ran. Once I was far enough that he couldn't get me I had looked back.

All I could see was the woman still held on the ground by two different people.

One held something to the back of her head. She looked at me and said "run Nate run and don't come back"

At that moment I had heard a loud 'pop' sound and then the two men back away.

Finally I had started to run and run and run. That is all I could do they had just killed my mother?

My mother? What this woman really my mother?

Then I had sprung out of my bed screaming.All I can do is scream and tremble.

Then I hear foot steps become closer and closer to the door of my room. They are approaching as if who ever they belonged to knew who I was and was coming for me.

I was scared at the possibility that they might do to me what they did to who I believe to be my mom from my dream.

The next thing I know is the door fly's opens and there in the open door with nothing on but pajama bottoms on was Oliver.

He ran up next to me and eloped me into a seemingly warm and soothing hug.

He hugged me with every ounce of strength he had in his adorable little body.

Once I had finally calmed down all I could do was let my body be held by the fragile little arms that help me.

Then I hear him whisper "was it a nightmare?" I had felt a few stray tears fall from my eyes. I had finally got the courage to face what I had had just saw in my nightmare.

All I could manage to say was "Nate." He looked at me and said "my name is Oliver not Nate but that's ok"

I chuckled a little and repeated "Nate...that's my name,I know your name silly"

You could visibly see the shade of pink creep up onto his cheeks. He had studied my face for a few moments before speaking again.

My face was placed closely to his chest.I took in his sweet aroma and felt his warmth radiating off his bare chest.

All he said was "what was the dream about?"

I ended up telling him. Now we were laying down in the bed him holding onto my still trembling body.

The next morning I woke to a loud buzzing coming from a distance away.

I try to turn onto my other side but it was kinda hard to move and was really warm.

Why was it so hard to move? Then I heard someone speak,they had almost yelled so loud to make me jump out of my skin.

Then he yelled"No it's still to early to get up,why do I have to go? Schools over in a week what's one week of not going ugh ?!?"

Then he had decided to roll out of bed but not before realizing that we were laying in the same one.

But when he had tried to roll out of bed he ended up rolling on top of me. His legs wrapped around my hips and his hands on my chest.

Once he had noticed he had tried to get off but I held him in place. I leaned upwards and gave a him a soft kiss. It was only a graze but felt like it could last an eternity.

Once I had pulled away all I could manage to whisper was "wow."

Who Am I ??Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon