Chapter 12

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Oliver's POV

Once we had finished breakfast Jo looked over to me and said "I'll be in the car waiting for you in the car." I looked at her and nodded. I looked over to Nate and said "I have to go to school but I'll be back in a little bit, you can help yourself to anything in the house."

He nodded and with that I turned around and stated to walk out. I head the chair slid across the floor as I was walking out. I didn't pay any attention to it. That's when Nate called out my name.

Once I had turned around our lips had met I was in a temporary state of shock before I had realized what was happing and melted into his surprisingly soft lips. I pulled away and looked into his beautiful eyes.

I looked at him and said " I'll see you after school and with that he kissed me again and said see you later. The smile he gave me was a smile that could turn even my high school homophonic bully gay and fall in love with him.

As he had let me go I stumbeled out the door and to Jo's car. She was sitting in the car playing her favorite song Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens. As she was singing along she stoped as she looked at me and I am pretty sure I had the biggist,goofyist, smile I had ever had.

She asked "what happened to make you so happy?" I leaned back in my seat and said "Oh nothing its just... ." She asked "Just ... what, what did he do if he did anything werid I'll kill him"

To make this conversation more intesting I just looked back at her and smiled. I could tell she was starting to get annoyed at me but this was to interesting to just spill it now.

Again she said "what" but this time it was in a sad tone and I took pity on her and said "Nate he ...he...he...KISSED ME, me of all people in this crazy, messed up world he kissed Me. Oh and not once but twice. So he kissed me two different times."

Just being able to tell someone this made me feel as thow I'm not alone in this as I said before this crazy messed up world.

~~Time Skip to first period ~~

I was sitting in my seat in the back of the class when he walked in. Just seeing him made me want to dart of the room and hide in the nearest bathroom but of course he had seen me and walked straight toward me.

He sat in the seat behind me and leaned forward and whispered in my ear "hey my favorite little fag, how should I beat you today?"

Once he had finished saying this I have no clue what came over me but I turned around and looked him in the eyes and said "I don't know how should you beat your self today. I'll think about it and let you know later dose that sound okay to you Liam."

And with that I turned around and sat in my seat filled with half terror for the ten foot grave I had just dug for myfelf and half astonishment for standing up for my self.

~~Time Skip to lunch~~

~~Liam's POV~~

This kid makes me so mad. But today for same reason he actually talked to me but what he said just infuriated me. So I walked around the school until I found who I was looking for. Oliver was at his locker he was putting his first hours books away and getting his others for the rest of the day.

I walked up behind him but he hadn't noticed me until I spoke "hey Oliver why don't we go for a little walk and talk shall we." He froze and tried to make himself smaller than he was.

This made him look so cute all I wanted to do was kiss him in the middle of the hallway. But I couldn't because there were people still walking around going to the cafeteria.

I grabbed his forearm and lead him to the farthest bathroom that rarely anyone ever goes to so that way nobody would walk in while we were in there. I pushed him in and then followed after him locking the door behind me.

When I turned around he had tried to hide himself in the corner farthest away from me. Out of nowhere a phone started to ring he looked just the slightest bit relived at this he took out his phone and was about to answer it when I said " if you answer that I will show you no mercy for what I'm about to do."

At this his eyes were big and full of fear he dropped his phone and it stopped ringing. I took this as my chance and walked to him with a big smile on my face.

I put my hands on either side of his head and he was froze in place he was visibly shaking this made me want to do what I was about even more. He closed his eyes out of what I assume was fear. This may be the baggiest mistake of my life but its worth a shot right?

Who cares I'll go for it. And so I did I leaned in and connected my lips with his. His eyes flew open and he tried to pull away but his back was pushed up against the wall. Then something I wasn't expecting to happen happened he stopped fighting and closed his eyes again.

I took another chance and rubbed my hand up the side of his stomach and he moaned at my action and I took this opportunity to slide my tongue in his mouth. I tried to explore every inch of his mouth but I ran out of luck and I had to pull away to catch my breath.

He opened his eyes and looked at me and asked " but why I thought you hated me and were a homophobe?" I looked down at his small frame now that I was this close he was actually really short only about 5'3 to my 6'4.

I looked at him and just said "because I can, I obviously don't hate you, and nope." popping the 'p'

I started to walk away but stopped at his voice that asked "but out of all the time you have known me why now, and we have know each other since 6th grade so why now?"

I looked back at him and side " I've always hade a crush on you but today in first period when you talked back to me I couldn't take it any more and I knew I had to have you."

And with I walked out of the bathroom to leave Oliver with what I said.

I had fun writing this chapter I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think

word count #1168


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