Chapter 9

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~~Nate's POV~~

I kissed him. What was I thinking? He ran that means he probly wasn't even gay. He will probibly kick me out now. He will think im discusting.

What am I going to do. What will I tell him? I could tell him that I was asleep and don't remember it. No I can't do that becuse I do,and I have to say it was one of the one things that i hope i will always remember.

But if it is just me that will hurt just as much as not remembering would be. So all I can do at this moment is hope and prey that he feels the same way.

As I think about this I walk my happy and scared self down the hall to tell I find a room with a door that has the name Oliver panted on the door in big bold letters. I was about to knock on the door just as the door opened and a fear full Oliver came running out of the room.

He ran straight into my chest and he started to fall back but there was no way that me coming here to try and apologize become him falling to the floor because of me. With one swift move I wrapped my arm around his back and pulled him to my chest.

I held him and really didn't want to let him go but I soon heard him make a slite moan and I reluctantly let him go.

I looked down at him and said "please don't hate me but if you hate me I will understand. But I will tell you the truth you are a really good kisser." and at this pont he was looking down at his feet and I could nearly see the pink creeping up his face. it made me have a little hope that he wouldn't hate me.

Finally after what felt like forever he glanced up sand said "I don't hate you it's just that, that was my first kiss and it kinda took me by suprise.

I felt some what happy that I was his first kiss. It made me fell as if I was meant to be with Oliver and that's was meant to find me in the ally way.

At that exact moment I had a wave of memories flood into my head I could remember someone but couldn't exactly remember who they were.

They were telling me "I love you Nate and I hope we will always and forever be together. You will be my first and last love please no matter what happens please never forget me I love you."

In my mine all I could see was a person standing next to me he was holding me and begging me to remember him.

Who was this guy he was telling me that he loved me and to remember him. But I don't know who he was.

Then I felt small warm hands rap around mine. They belonged to Oliver. He had a look of worry on his face. I didn't understand why he did Intel he raised one had to wipe away a tear that had fallen from my eye.

I didn't really understand why I was crying but all I could do was lean into a comforting hug from my new found friend.

But for some reason I couldn't exactly get this voice out of my head that told me that things were about to get really really bad.

But as of this moment I pushed that though away and focused on Oliver. At this point in time I felt safe.

But that all soon would change and my life would soon come to a hell I could possibly never escape.

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