bucket illusion

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Here's a physical one. Have someone
Stand in front of you and close their eyes. Ask them to get calm and relaxed. Then proceed to ask them to spread forth their hands towards you . as you assure them to relax, ask them to assume they have two buckets in each of their hands. Tell them to imagine a tap appearing on top of one bucket and it starts filling it with water.

Tell them to feel the bucket under the tap is getting heavier and heavier in the moment. Do this for some few more seconds..

Look at the levels of their hands...if the trick went well, one of their arms will be strained ,holding an 'imaginary bucket' and is sunk bellow the other one...

our subconscious minds do not know the difference between real events and false ones. That's why your hand will assume there's a real bucket on your hand getting heavier by the second and start sinking down with the false pressure on it...

What's really enjoyable and funny is seeing your friends face and hands during this.


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