foot on the door

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The link is an instrumental (diamonds). Song to ALIBILKISH my faithful reader.thanks Hun.

Ask for something small before asking for something big or ask for something big before asking for something small.. okay that didn't make sense...

the foot in the door technique assumes agreeing to a small
request increases the likelihood of agreeing to a second, larger request.

So, initially you make a small request and once the person agrees to this they find it more difficult to refuse a bigger one.

For example, imagine one of your friends missed
the last history class and asked to borrow your notes. This is a small request that seems reasonable, so you lend the notes to your friend.
A week later, the same friend asks to borrow all of your psychology notes. .your more likely to agree...

The other way round

Initially you make a big request which a person can be expected to refuse. Then you make a smaller request which the person finds difficult to refuse because their minds feel they should't always say NO!

For example,your mom probably know that you hate broccoli so they will say would ask if
You want 2 broccoli stalks or 5, instead of just asking you if you want broccoli.

This way they've already made the choice for you, but
You'll feel like they're getting a great deal by choosing the amount of broccoli they want .

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