car sick? find out why.

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motion sickness, a discrepancy exists between the motion that is expected to occur and the actual motion sensed by the organ of balance in the inner ear. These unexpected signals translate into a confused message by the brain, leading to the development of symptoms.

This means that your eyes cannot see motion but your ears can feel motion, or the other way round, for example, in a ship with no windows, the inner ear transmits to the brain that it senses motion, but the eyes tell the brain that everything is still.

. As a result of the discordance, the brain will come to the conclusion that the individual is hallucinating and further conclude that the hallucination is due to poison ingestion. The brain responds by inducing vomiting, to clear the supposed toxin. ( that's your smart brain! Supposedly)

To get rid of it you can do the following

Take some ginger...or cookies with ginger

Just look outside...or alternatively sit in the passenger seat .

If you read the previous chapter of how to cheat and overcome a gag effect use the same strategies here..

Avoid fatty foods prior to...

Aaaaand yer it's completely normal if it doesn't stop there are some good over the counter solutions too. But when it happens just know that you have a smart brain..supposedly...

@speeids ...

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