what your sneez says about you

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Research by the Tampa Bay Times.

Apparently the way you sneez is an indication of your personality according to the Tampa Bay'...

Here's examples...

CAUTION: any research may not reflect the entire population...but most .

Good...let's go..

The get appreciated sneezer :

This person's sneezes are loud, funny,
long-lasting, or come in multiples.
They're charismatic, influential
leaders but they are not so good at
details, and others often clean up
their little messes.t hey easily make friends with everyone and they are a bag of emotions.

The get along sneezer :

These discreet sneezers turn away and hope no one hears them. While polite, friendly, and warm,they also fear what others may think of them.t these people don't make friends easily but when they do they are quite loyal to them.

The get it done sneezer :

These people may try to hold it in, but if they can't, the sneeze will be loud,
forceful, and fast.The GID sneezer
is decisive, efficient, and wish[es]
others would be, and they are most
likely to get upset if service at a
restaurant isn't exactly to their
liking. they are the best leaders and are quite charismatic and they

The be right sneezer :

The most likely to cover their mouths when they sneeze, they expect the same from others and will tell them so.These people like rules, are tidy, prefer being alone, and are angered by injustice.

What kind of sneez are you....

Me....the get it done sneezer.

@speeids @Austin_Dicaprio( my 200th follower)

A sweet girl.

Thanks guys.

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