Russia and Indonesia

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Russia: Индонезия~!

M!Indonesia: Oh? Hai, Mr. Russia! It's been a while.

Russia: Yes, I know... I'm so busy with my own problem, but I never forget about my best friend in south east Asia, da~!

M!Indonesia: Best friend? Why, thank you, Mr. Russia! By the way, how's your Allies? Are they healthy?

Russia: They're healthy as ever, da!

*somewhere in the distance*

England: Hm?

China: Is that....

America: WTH?! Is that Commie and Nessia I see?!

France: Shh! Try to observe...

Russia: Speaking of which, I love my friends and family, but they could turn to be quite annoying, you know..

M!Indonesia: I know the feels...

America: Dudes, they're talking about us!

France: How rude. I'm not annoying, I'm fabulous~! *wink wink*

England: Bloody hell.

America: Wait,.. China! Why are they so close to each other? You're Nesia's dad, right? Any clues?

China: I'm not that child's dad... But yes, I know, aru. They've been helping each other a lot in the past.... But that's not the main reason.

America: Huh?

M!Indonesia: *sarcasm on* Mr. Russia, if you ever feel annoyed, don't hesitate to give them a lesson. A direct slice to their heads with a keris will do. Give no mercy!

All*except China*: WHAT?!

Russia: Oooh, I see!! I'll do that! But I don't have a keris, so...

M!Indonesia: Use your metal pipe, then! I suggest it should be sharpened.

Russia: Is that so? Hmmm... Got it, Nessia! If you'd excuse me, I'll be going to my house to sharpened and use my metal pipe to them~!

M!Indonesia: Yes, take care~!


America: Oh shiet.... 0_0

England: .....If anyone wants to die, just annoy him and he'll give you a direct ticket to heaven.

France: I thought Indo is a nice, pure, innocent boy!! *bites his handkerchief*

China: Now you get the point, aru?

Note: Indonesia and Russia are getting along pretty well at times!
Note2: Keris is one of Indonesia's traditional weapon.

This is ze keris :D It haz moar variations that dis :v

This is ze keris :D It haz moar variations that dis :v

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