School time~

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(Harin's POV)
It's the first day of my high school and I'm still lazing in my bed. Out of the blue, I heard my mum called me out from the living room.

"Harin! Hurry up! You do not wanna be late!"

"I'm coming!" I answered her while dragging myself out of the bed.

After getting ready for my school, I ate a quick breakfast, tidy my uniform and went out. Since my school was 30 minutes away, I had to take a bus.

The sky was still dark as midnight. The bus stop was very quiet. I then decided to check my notifications on my phone if there were any updates while waiting for my bus. I was all alone. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling out my name. It came from behind me, soft and eerie..."Harinnnn". Cold sweat breakout and goosebumps crawled all over my body. I was so terrified that I decided to close my eyes. As the voice became clearer, it became very familiar.

(Jimin's POV)
I saw Harin at the bus stop. Since we were neighbours for 2 years, we have been best friends since kindergarten. As we were attending the same high school, I wanted to surprise her. I walk to her in tippy toes. I find it cute as she closes her eyes. I decided to say something.

"Hey! Harin-yah!! It's me Jiminie! Are you okay?! Hahahaha." I laugh heartily.

(Harin's POV)
It was him, Jimin. That pabo. And yes I have been friends with him since kindergarten.
I then decided to open up my eyes and replied to him.

"Seriously Jiminie?! Did you have to do that all the time? *flicks his forehead* hahahahaha."

The bus tires were screeching noisily as it was arriving at our bus stop and so we both took the bus. Finally, we have arrived to our high school.

We went to our lockers and saw our schedules. I was glad that I had the same classes as him so I won't be feeling awkward in our new class.

Finally, first lessons started and as usual, introductions are boring or lame.
365 words
- Apologies if there is any grammar/english mistakes.

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