Chapter 20

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Three weeks later Phoenix was still insistent on trying to pull Dana out of her funk.  He hadn't guessed about her and Quinn, and he seemed genuinely concerned.  He had decided they should take a road trip for the weekend and he was not taking no for an answer.

They had been traveling for a little over five hours when the bluebonnets started to pop up; it was Dana's favorite season, in Texas, the bluebonnets had their own season. Eventually, she fell asleep, content to let Phoenix get them wherever it was they were going.

"Dana." She felt a little shake on her shoulder. "We're here."

"Where?" She slowly opened her eyes yawing. "Phoenix!"


"This is a bad idea." They were sitting in front of the Stevens' family home. It still felt like her home. India was pacing on the front porch, waiting for them to get out of the car.  She did not seem like the same woman that Dana had met a few weeks before. Gone was the relaxed and cheerful India. Instead, she looked anxious and on edge.

"You don't even know where we are."

"We are at the Stevens' Ranch. Why are we here, and why is India here?"

Phoenix looked confused by her response. "India insisted that we come. I tried to tell her we couldn't come, but she countered everything, and then she said something about letting her down if we didn't."

"If we walk in there now...the will fall apart."

"When did you become such a negative person?"

"It's not negativity; it's a fact. I'm very serious, if we go in there, your sister will know that we're not together, and that might not be all she learns."

Dana laid her head back taking a deep breath.  "You've landed us in it now."

Phoenix was either in denial or thought she was exaggerating.

Realizing that she was not going to be able to get out of the situation, she pushed open her door and got out of the car. India stopped her pacing and faced them with a frown on her face as her gaze traveled up Dana's figure, and Dana was at a loss as to why she was so displeased at seeing her, especially when she was so insistent that they come.

"You don't look too pleased to see us," Phoenix said as he joined Dana.

"I'm sure it's your imagination," she said as she turned and waved them into the house.

For Dana, it was like coming home after a long absence. It was all so familiar; even the smell was comforting. It had become her haven that would always feel welcoming and safe. It would break her heart to leave it again.

"Everyone is out back. Come on I'll introduce you."

Dana felt her heart lighten. Seeing Quinn would hurt, but it would be wonderful to see the rest of them again. They walked out onto the porch where some of the Stevens' men; Doug, Mason, Bryce, and Rainer were all sitting around a table with a pitcher of iced tea in front of them.

They all looked up surprised to see Dana, but not a single one of them said a word.

"This is Phoenix and his girlfriend, Dee."

"Dee?" Mason's lip tipped up on one side, apparently amused.

"Phoenix, Dee, this is Doug, Mason, Rainer, and Bryce." India's voice got a little breathy on Bryce's name.

Dana turned to look at her, suddenly suspicious. She chanced a look to Phoenix to see if he had caught the change in his sister, but his gaze kept jumping between Mason and Rainer, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

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