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We were sirens in the moonlight
Screaming as loudly as only madmen can;
A society of friends
In a circle of nonsensical chatter
Warmed by laughter and spirit
And the fire.

For we were merry kids
Whose nights ended too
We believed the moon hated
The colours we spurted
Into the air
Like fireworks
But louder and brighter;
Wilder than a wild thing
We painted the night how we liked it
Masterpieces were born
And destroyed by day
And no one ever knew.
Secrets are forever secrets...

We believed in fantasies;
The fairytales everyone stopped
Falling for
And g  r  e  w them
Nurtured them by the fire
Feeding them ideas and plots
Until they were no longer fairytales but
We held onto what everybody let go of

‘Cause we were believers;
Foolish little kids
Who knew yet of the world

We were kids

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