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tall, waving coconut trees
an uncommon chilly breeze
the sun beaming bright and warm
the bees flying around in swarm.

eternally, i am a work machine
swiftly go through my day routine

monkeys playing hide and seek
curious children laugh and peek
loving mummies smile and laugh
daddies hug their other half.

chaotic fingers type all day
a show of utter disarray

watched the sun rise with grace
felt my beating heart go race
crossed my fingers one by one
vowed everyday to see the sun.

promises left unfulfilled
exit work? i'd long been killed

for physically, i have no home
virtually, that's where i roam.

A/N: RyanBH gave me the prompt of "the land I live in" and this is what I've written in response.

By the way, Ryan has written some magnificent, pretty poems himself, so do check his book "An Assortment of Thought" out.

He and -RoseByAnotherName- have also recently collaborated and written a book entitled "A Dream Within A Dream", which can be found on both of their profiles. They basically interpret the same themes in varying styles. :)

It (#Wattys2016)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora