Chapter 8

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My friend showed me this pic when he first posted it. He showed pride for my country!( I was born here but I have Mexican pride👌) This is one of the many reasons I love him.

When I got home, all I could think about was the text. 'Hopefully you find out who assaulted Jessica and Marc?' I didn't even know Jessica was assaulted. She's still in prison. I think. And the other part too. Justin hiding something? What is his secret? Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't affect me.

"How you holding with Justin?" HE asks me. I was Skyping him.

"He tried to ask me out but it was weird."

"Say yes," HE tells me.

"No! I'm with you, no matter what."

"Listen to me Ariana. I may not be in the best position right now, but you have to listen to me. Boss and I are after that guy, and I can't get to him. But you can. Help me out with this," HE pleads

"But what you're asking me to do is too much. It's too much,", I respond.

"Just do it. For me," he says.

Ping!, goes my phone.

Justin: hey😊

I roll my eyes.

"Who is that?" HE asks me.

"It's Justin."

Me: hey:) He calls me.

"Put it on speaker and lower the volume on Skype." I do as he tells me. I answer.

"Uh Ariana? I been meaning to tell you. Uh earlier at school? I wanted to ask you out but I was nervous and I want to retry it. But without stuttering and stuff so yeah.'

"Ok," I say.

"Ariana, would you like to go on a date with me? Saturday at, say, 6:30?"

"Yes! I would love to." HIS jaw clenched.

"Great! Uh yeah great. Sorry I had to call you about it. I wanted to ask you in person."

"It's fine. It's better than texting me. Not that I don't like texting you, but you know, I like to be asked the old fashioned way."

"Yeah I get what you mean,' he chuckled. 'I'll pick you up tomorrow on Saturday. Oh and wear something comfortable."

"Ok. Bye Justin."

"Goodbye, my love. I mean Ariana. We aren't together.....yet. So yeah that didn't happen. I mean I wanted it to happen but too soon. I like you at lot, but I said it too soon and I shou-"

"I get what you're trying to say," I said while giggling. "Bye, Justin."

"Bye, Ariana."

We hung up the phone.

"You agreed," HE stated.

"That's what you wanted me to do, right?" HE kept staring at me.

"Yes," he said through clenched teeth.

"Don't get mad. I'm simply doing what I'm told to do. And you know that I love you not him."

He didn't say anything.

"I have to go," he said.

"Oh...OK. I'll Skype you tomorrow. Love you," I tell him.

"Yeah." He ended the call. 

Mom knocked on my door and entered. "I heard that Justin fellow call you," she said with a smile.

"Oh mom. It was nothing," I brushed off.

"Mm hmm. OK. It's late, sweetheart. Get ready for bed." She patted my leg. "Don't want to be late for school."

"Alright. Love you, mom," I said. She smiled and left my room.

I heard a faint song. It sounded so familiar.

🎶So this is love.. So this is what makes life divine... I'm all aglow, hmm and now I know..the key to all miiine!! My heart has wings, hmmm, and I can fly... I'LL TOUCH EVERY STAR IN THE SKYY. So thiiisss is the miracle, that I've been dreaming of!! Hmm, hmmm so thiis....isss...looovvveee!🎶

Mom would. I chuckled and got into bed. Cinderella's right. My heart does have wings...for HE. I can't wait how Saturday is going to go down.

Short chapter, I know. But I love Disney so I included a little old school love and the audio to the song. What do y'all think? Say it in the comments. Share and vote!

Thanks for reading!

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