Prologue 1

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In the time we know now, everything is great, maybe not perfect but we're alive and aren't scared to die because we're hungry or because there is a war outside of town. Not everywhere is that the same. Something nobody knows is that there are 2 planets earth.

No scientists didn't found out about it yet, but there is. a bit farther away there is a copy of this planet. everything is the same, except that this planet is in the same year but thinking wise was 1 year behind the planet.

So when people in 1999 on earth a back up plan made for if the computers where going to shut down, on the second planet there wasn't any. And on that planet people needed the computers a lot more, it was like their whole life was based on the computer.

And everything was alright


year 2000 came around.

On earth went everything alright which means the people worried for nothing.

But on the second planet everything had gone wrong. When the year change came around, the moment the clock hit 0.00 all the electronica went off. for ever. And if that wasn't enough, that was the moment the army decided to take over. They burned a lot of houses and people died that day.

It didn't take long or they had took over the whole United Kingdom.

And all the rules changed. Now everyone needed to do what they said, if you didn't your house was burned with you inside, simple as that.

Now you also belonged in a category:

if you were an leader or a belonged to the richer people, male - alpha

if you were a normal male citizen - beta

if you were sick or a normal female - omega

That's how they originally planned it. However, it went wrong a lot of times so that there were also male omegas and alpha females.

what they didn't realize is that these titles where going to have a whole other meaning in the next 13 years

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