Chapter 2

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Dedication to littleireland cause she made this lovely cover, thanks again girl!

Louis POV

I stand awkwardly next to my father as we wave the Calder's goodbye.

But as soon as the door closes, I look so mad at my dad that if looks could kill, my dad wouldn't be standing there anymore

'What the hell is this?!' I yell at him 'There is no way I'm going to mate her!'

My dad looks at me so calm that I actually start to feel a little scared 'Well, Louis, you're almost twenty and if you don't find a mate before then, you ARE going to mate her. No protest'

'That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard!' I was so furious at my dad, he couldn't let me do this!

'Louis, you are. I don't want to hear ANYTHING about it anymore, go to your mother right now before I lose control!'

'Why do I-'


Very mature dad, using your alpha voice on me when I'm an alpha myself. Okay he's the leader I still need to listen to him so I do leave as soon as he told me. But maybe I closed the door extremely hard. Not my problem

In this state it was better to avoid home, because first it's still early and I don't want to wake my family up and second they will ask where I've been and I don't really want to answer that question.

So instead of going home, I start to wander around a bit.

I couldn't believe my dad would do this to me! Of course I know I need a mate but it's still 2 months until my birthday. And I don't even like girls for that matter.

Yes, I'm gay deal with it. That's something I never told my dad. He's very strict with his rules and wants a 'normal' leader. So a leader (male) with a mate (female). I don't agree with him in exactly nothing!

Because I may be a bit deep in thoughts I don't really pay attention to my surroundings.

'Louis Tomlinson, exactly the one I need to speak to!' I hear someone close by say.

I jump what feels like a few feet in the air, cause I really wasn't paying attention.

I turn around and see Liam walking over to me. I immediately let out a breathe of relief.

'Dammit, Liam, You scared the shit out of me' I say as he stands in front of me.

Liam puts on his best puppy eye look, which doesn't have much effect on Louis cause he Liam is an alpha himself. Liam shrugs 'Well I needed your attention and you walked pretty fast.'

I let out a sigh 'Well you've my attention now, so what do you want?' that may have come out a little harsh.

'Came back from your dad?' yep definitely did.

I nod 'I'll tell you at the next tree house meeting'

No we're not 6 years old, it's an old tradition. We once build a tree house when we were younger, before I knew about me being the next leader, we wanted to have 'secret' meetings and decided that we could do that in the tree house. When we were younger it was everyday, now it's once a week or twice a week if we needed to talk about something. While when we were younger we mostly used it to eat candy, we now use it for the serious talk and to make a bit of music.

'That's actually where I wanted to talk about, Niall has something to tell us and said we needed to have a meeting as soon as possible, I don't know what it's about though and that kind of worries me'

Yes, Niall and Liam are mates. Liam walked once in on Niall while he was in heat and Liam couldn't resist him nor did Niall tried to push him away (according to Liam he even begged for it).

'Well when did you have in mind?' I ask him

'We thought about tomorrow afternoon 2 PM. If your dad lets you go at least'

My face turns into a bitter look 'I can tell you he's the last person I want to see, so it's fine by me. I guess I can tell you then about the ridiculous ideas my dad has, again'

'Let me guess, it's about finding a mate, as usual?'

'In one guess correct, will tell you the details tomorrow when Niall and Zayn are there as well'

Liam nods in agreement 'I need to go to the store right now, so I guess I will see you tomorrow. Don't let your dad put you down though!'

'Don't be scared I wouldn't let that happen in a million years'

Liam smiles at me and waves me goodbye before walking into the opposite direction. I start to walk to my house this time, figuring out they should be awake by now.

When I close the front door behind me I have in two seconds (maybe less) two little copies of one other on both of my legs. In other words the twins: Phoebe and Daisy.

I smile at them

'Louis! We missed you! Why weren't you with us at breakfast?' Daisy asks immediately

'I had some thing to do, but I'm all yours now!'

'Do you want to play with us and the dolls, please, Louis, please??' Phoebe asks while they both look at me with their adorable faces.

Okay the twins are my weakness, don't blame me they're adorable.

'If you let me go and I can say to mum that I'm home.'

They both cheer loudly and walk upstairs, leaving me smiling at them

Okay maybe only one person in my family is bad.

I walk into the kitchen seeing my mum talking to Lottie, who looks rather upset.

I go sit on the table 'What's going on?' I ask them.

My mum shakes her head at me, 'Louis how many times have I told you not to-' She lets out a sigh 'You'll never listen it doesn't even matter if I say it again.'

I shrug 'Sorry not my fault'

My mother rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head, she knows me longer than one day.

'Where were you actually, Louis?' Lottie asks curious.

I mutter something under my breath before is say 'Outside of this house.'

Lottie rolls her eyes at my answer 'Very clear answer, Louis, as usual.'

I stick out my tongue. I love such banter, much better than being at my dad's house. I already get hatred on my face when I only think about him.

I couldn't tell my mother and sisters though, about me being the new leader. It was a promise I made and by that time I didn't want to either. Though right now I wish I could talk to them about him.

'Well, I wanted to let you know that I'm home again and that I'm going to Liam and Niall tomorrow, so don't count on me.'

With that I jump off the table and walk, with a little smile on my face for absolutely no reason, out of the room.

'Where are my favorite twins?'

My response is a two little giggles coming from upstairs and I know exactly where I'll be for the next hour.

A/N so I decided which Bromance it's going to be (Bromance to romance) but I'm not telling you yet.

Also, this are of course the characters from one direction but it's not them!!! I have made their personality and it maybe looks a bit like theirs but it's not them, it's fiction not real.

I absolutely love writing this so expect another update soon! I don't have a new goal, so it will be updated when I have time again.

hope you enjoy this

:) xx

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