Chapter 14

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Louis POV

'H-how?' is the only thing I can stutter out after what my mother told me.

'He wasn't in town and someone had shot him, probably a rebel.' She answers shaking her head. Harry carefully grabs my hand and I smile a bit at him. 

'He was the leader and you-'

'Would be the one to take over from him, i know. He told me.' I say with a bitter tone in my voice. 'I didn't agree with some of the rules and he made me do things for him and I couldn't say anything against it, he made that very clear.'

My mother shakes her head 'I knew he was the 'mysterious' leader, he was the one that planned it all, you know the escape. He was agreeing with some of the weird stuff of the rebels but not with the omega rallies. That's the reason why he wanted to escape and that's how we came here.'

I take this new information in. It's a lot to take in and I am not sure how to react to it.

Besides me Harry shuffles around in his seat and my mother looks up at him, like she only just noticed he was there.

'Harry! It's a wonder! I thought you were..' my mum doesn't finish her sentence but we both know what she wanted to say.

'N-no, I'm alive.' He answers stuttering a bit. I see my mum looking over us and she raises an eyebrow.

'We're not mated.' I say before she assumes things. To Harry I whisper 'Yet' but I make sure my mum doesn't hear that. Harry blushes and moves around again. 

My mum lets out a sigh 'Listen carefully boys. The rebels are strong and they're closer than we think, a friend of your dad took over the leading spot for now, but there will come a time that you need to take over.' She pauses for a moment before continuing 'You're not ready yet and you probably wont be ready next year, but you need to get ready and if the rebels find out you are going to be the next leader, they will kill you.'

Harry squeezes my hand, terrified. I stroke with my thumb over the back of his hand. 'What do you think I should do?'

'You need to leave.'

'Leave? What do you-' I stop my sentence when she pulls something out of her bag, I don't recognize what it is. I am about to ask what it is as she speaks up again.

'This is a map of the United Kingdom.' She says and than points to some place on the map 'This is London. If you want to go to some safe place, you need to go to Manchester, that's a safe place, the rebels have no Idea how the world looks, they won't expect you to be there and there isn't any Alpha, Omega, Beta rule. The people there are how they used to be, everyone is equal over there.'

'But that's exactly how it should be here as well!' I exclaim.

'Yes, I know.' She turns to Harry 'Your mother is from Manchester, I talked to her earlier and she says that she still has family over there, she has traveled there once and she has pointed the route out on another map. She's willing to give it to you. She can also give you a location to stay. You need to go there and look how it's going on in that city, you need to find a way to get stronger and find a way to defeat the rebels. If you feel like you are ready you need to come back, but only then.'

'But, what if I never feel ready? Do I need to do this all on my own? I can't do that, I wont be strong enough.' I sigh not trusting this plan at all.

'Listen Louis, of course you are not going to do this alone. you have some amazing friends who will help you, I am sure they will' Next to me Harry nods to confirm that. 'You will feel ready cause you are strong, stronger than you think.'

I nod and a sudden rush of determination comes over me. I will and need to succeed this.

'I will do it.'

My mum smiles at me 'I knew you would. I think it's the best if you leave as soon as possible, at latest tomorrow evening.'

I agree with her, how earlier I leave the more chance of actual succeeding we have. To succeed before something terrible happens.

'Now I have some things for you that might help..' she start before giving me the map and a compass. 'You will always need to go to the north. Than you know you're going in the good direction.' She gets some keys out of her pocket and gives them to me, I look confused at why she would give me keys but she explains it herself. 'There are things that are abandoned that had nothing to do with electricity or batteries. The rebels just wanted those things for them selves. This are keys to a car, I know you don't know what a car is but Anne has a picture of the car and the map with the route in it. As soon as you are out of the woods, you will come across a road, somewhere on that road a car is parked. It's Anne's but she asked me once to keep the keys away from the guardians.'

I again take in the information and make sure to remember every single detail of it.

'I can't help you more, I packed some stuff for you in a light bag for you to take with you and I gave you some batteries I found in your dad's office. I left the bag in the hall, I told Niall, Liam and Zayn in short what's going on and they're packing as well to be your back up and I am pretty sure Harry's coming as well.' Harry nods immediately to confirm this. 'So what you should do is go to pick up the map at Harry's house, pack his most important things and leave as soon as possible.'

Harry and I look at each other before I look up at my mum determined

'We will succeed no matter what.'

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