Chapter 7

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Louis POV

'Yes, he's back' I say with a stern tone in my voice. Harry looks expectantly at me, like he waits for me to continue. I let out a soft sigh. 'Listen, I would gratefully tell you everything but not here. I can't tell you why, sorry It's.. complicated' I look up at him with sad eyes. I really want to tell him but there are other people in his house and you never know who is listening to your conversation.

'I understand that. I -' he stops himself from saying whatever he was going to say. He looks deep in thought now. 'Maybe we should talk somewhere more private?' He asks me with a questioning look.

I nod 'Maybe... we could talk in the tree house I always go to with my friends? Maybe you could meet them..'

Harry looks a bit hesitant at that - which I completely understand actually, he has no idea who my friends are. 'I'm not sure... Maybe we could first go there, just the 2 of us?' He bites his lip after he's done speaking.

I smile at him 'Sure! Well, one of my friends you've already met of course'

'You mean Niall?'

'Yes, I don't actually have that many friends, Their names are Niall, Zayn and Liam.'

Harry's eyes widen at the last name 'Liam as in Liam Payne?'

I look at him confused 'Yes, Why?'

'He's here?' Harry asks shocked and I nod. 'That's impossible.'

'What do you mean? Why is that impossible? Do you know him?' I fire all the questions at once to him. I see him taking a deep breath before answering all my questions.

'Yes i know him, met him before, Thought he died.' He says answering all my question with a bittersweet tone in his voice.

'Explain.' It's one simple word, but it has Harry whimpering. I always forget, if i talk with a stern voice it comes over to omega's as if you're using your alpha voice. I quickly reassure him 'Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.'

Harry looks at me with big eyes, where i again can't read the emotion from 'Like you said, I would rather talk somewhere else.'

I nod understanding 'What about Tomorrow? I can pick you up from your house and we can go to the tree house together.'

I can see harry doubts it. 'What about Niall, wouldn't he be jealous?'

'What do you mean?'

'He's your mate, right?'

'What? Why do you think that?'

'Well,' Harry starts 'You looked really close when you walked in and I thought..' he wanders of in the end

I can't help but start to laugh a bit 'The only reason he walked so close because he was calming me down, I was so nervous about seeing you again! Hell, Liam would be so mad if i stole his mate!'


'Hey quit saying sorry, It doesn't matter, who knows what I would have thought when you came walking into my room with an alpha as close as i did with Niall.'

Harry opens his mouth to say something but stops and blushes. 'Who says I will end up with an alpha?'

'Who says I end up with an omega?' I shot back

'That part of you didn't change.' Harry says softly with a little smile around his lips, one of the first forms of a smile I've seen since I'm here. I see the little hole in his cheek.

'You still have your adorable dimples.' And I really didn't meant to say that out loud. Harry Immediately hides his faces, while i see him turn a deep shade of red. 'Hey, don't hide yourself from me! You're beautiful!' Why the hell do I keep saying my thoughts out loud. Luckily I never blush.

Harry looks up shyly 'You really think I'm beautiful?' His voice sounds so doubtful and freaking hell, why do I want to kiss him so bad?

'Yes.' I say truthfully. Cause he truly is beautiful, that he doesn't know that himself is a wonder to me.

Harry smiles at me 'Thank you, don't think anyone ever said that to me.' and that just plain shocks me but when I look into his eyes, i can't see any signs of him lying to me.

'Really? I can't believe that!'

'It's true.'

Before I can tell him exactly how beautiful he is, the door opens. Niall comes into view 'Sorry if I'm interrupting, but Louis we have to go.'

I really don't want to go. I sign, i know I need to. I take Harry in a hug and whisper into his ear 'Talk to your mother as well, she's really worried. I'll pick you up at 1pm tomorrow.'

'Thank you, Louis. I'll try'

We pull back and I wave at him. 'Bye Harry' Niall and I say at the same time.

'Bye Niall and Louis' He says back. I close the door behind me.

'Thought you already left.' I said to Niall

'Talked to Anne.'

I nod in understanding, He doesn't know Harry at all. We both say goodbye to Anne and I tell her that I'm coming back tomorrow to pick Harry up to go 'do something fun'. She looked really happy at that.

When we walk on the street again Niall starts to talk to me 'How did you get him to speak? I haven't told his mother that he spoke to you yet, but holy shit, Louis, It looked like you have some special connection to him.'

I shrugged, I had no idea myself. 'Why did we need to leave actually?' I ask him instead

'Need to go to my work, because instead of someone else, some people need to work to get money.'

I know he's jealous about the fact that we have a lot money at home and that indeed I don't need to work. Well, that's of course until I take over the place of the leading alpha, my dad.

Niall stops walking for a second 'Have you told harry about him' and i know he means my dad.

I shake my head no. 'No i haven't, wait, do you know if Liam is home?'

He shrugs 'I think so but I'm going straight to work, so you need to see that yourself, you know the way. See you soon, Louis.'

We hug each other goodbye before we separate our ways. I walk straight to Liam and Niall's house. I don't ring the doorbell since i know where they have their spare key. I walk into the house and Immediately see Liam laying on the couch with a book.

'And when were you going to tell me you knew Harry?'

He scares so much that he falls of the couch. 'Jesus, Louis, was It necessary to scare me like that?'

I fold my arms in front of my chest 'That's not answering my question, Liam.'

'Well, I didn't thought he would remember it so...'

'Remember what?'

Liam shakes his head 'You better ask Harry'

'I did, he wanted to talk in private, so did I. I take him to the tree house tomorrow afternoon, so you better stay out of the way.' I say the last bit with my alpha voice and even though Liam is an alpha himself he always listens to me.

'Fine by me.'

I hesitantly ask my next question 'uhm, Liam, before you mated with Niall, did you feel, Like shocks when you touched him?'

He has a weird look on his face but still answers my question 'Yes, I did. Why are you asking, you think you found a real mate?'

'Shit.' Is the only response he gets.

A/N It's longer than the last chapter and I think I like this chapter more :) Since nobody reacts to my question on the last chapter, I'll just keep writing chapters around this length.

Hope you all like it and thanks again for all the reads/votes/comments they all mean a lot. Every single one of them.

:) xx

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