Chapter 12

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Louis POV

'But i will tell him soon that's a promise!' I say hurriedly. 

'Alright, It's your own responsibility anyways, Louis' Zayn says shaking his head. 'Hey, Harry, Can I ask you a question? You don't need to answer if you don't want to.'

Harry was sitting next to me again, but i still had my arm protectively over his shoulder. 'O-okay.' He stutters a bit hesitantly. 

'You're an omega?'

Harry nods and insecurely asks 'Can't you tell?'

'Nope Beta over here' Zayn says shrugging. He gives me a knowing look and I have a feeling he thinks wrong of me and him so I shake my head and give him a warning glance. 

'O, I thought you all were alpha's.'

'No only me and Liam. Niall is Omega and Liam's mate so maybe he smells a bit like him. Zayn is beta and has just mated.' I explain to him and he nods. Than something hits me: There is a possibility that Harry's already mated. I get really sad at that thought. Stupid feelings. Wait- Why would i get sad at that thought? If he is happy than that's all that matters right. But i know there is a voice in my head that says but that wouldn't be with you. And damm it i have to agree with that voice. First i need to find out if he is mated. 

I shake my head to get out of my thoughts and see that Liam and Niall are whispering about something and sitting extremely close to each other and Zayn scanning over us. Harry looks at me a bit nervous.

'Uhm.. Harry..' Since when do I not know what to say? 'Are you mated?' Wasn't that hard was it?

Harry Immediately shakes his head 'No, I'm single.' Okay now I want to do a happy dance WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! 

Zayn, Liam and Niall all start laughing at the same time and I look at them confused. I look at Harry and he just shrugs.

'Y-your f-face!' Niall laughs hysterically.

'Why are you laughing!' I say with a slight alpha voice. Something I better shouldn't have done. As soon as I finish my sentence Harry is out of my arm and in the corner as far away as possible from us.

'P-p-please d-d-don't' Harry stutters. All the boys looked shocked at that reaction. I mutter 'Think before you act tomlinson' under my breathe before I slowly make my way over to Harry.

'Hazza, listen, We're alright no one is here to hurt you. I'm just a dammed alpha who can't control his voice. You're alright.' I keep whispering that to him until he slowly gets up and comes over to me again. 

He whispers 'Sorry' to me and the other boys before hiding in my shirt. I start to stroke his back as his shoulders begin to shock. 

'Nothing to be sorry for Harry, nothing at all.' Liam says with a soft voice. 'I have never seen an alpha act to someone like that, before being mated. Nor have I seen an Omega being so comfortable with an Alpha before being mated. I remember you were absolutely terrified of me when I took you out of the rebels camp.'

Both me and Harry look up at that. Harry blushes before mumbling 'I knew Louis from before, we were good friends. Best friends.'

Niall looks a bit pale 'R-rebels camp? What do you mean Liam?'

Liam lets out a sign 'You mind if I explain a bit to them, Harry?' Harry looks unsure but agrees with Liam 'I'm not from here like I told before, I'm from London, that's the place I have lived with my mother and sisters until I was nine years old. When I was nine years old, My father came back from the Rebels camp. He had become the leader. He said to me that he wanted me to become the next leader of the rebels camp. I was overwhelmed that he wanted me to do such a huge thing so I agreed on going to the Rebels camp and leaving my Mother and Sisters. When I got there I was met with a sight that was unbelievable. The Rebels camp contains to big fabrics and several houses. 9 to be exact. Later I learned what for the houses were. The fabrics are the places where I got to go in first.'

Liam hesitates 'What I'm about to tell is a huge secret of the rebels camp, If i was still there i would get in a lot of trouble for this. Hell, if they ever find out there is a second group of escapers than there would come a war.'

I got very confused by now 'Liam, It can't possibly be worse than what Harry told me so go on.'

Before any of the boys can protest Liam starts to tell the rest of the story 'In the fabrics they were making electricity. They Rebels found a way to produce it. They had been planing to take over London if the production was successful. At least, that's what they said they were doing. And yes it's true they have electricity but they didn't use it for good reasons. They used it to torture captured Omega's. When an Omega turns twelve they take them to the fabric for some 'experiments' my dad called it. But i have seen it with my own eyes, that weren't experiments. I got scared of my father and his business than but that wasn't the worst. My dad got called by someone who came to tell that an omega was 'ready'. My dad got a weird grin on his face and said I should follow him. He walked in to one of the houses and said to me I should wait downstairs. By then I knew i needed to get away from this place. As far away as possible. When I heard someone crying upstairs I got too curious and went to take a look. What I saw is indescribable. My dad and the other men immediately rushed out of the room as soon as they saw me. Why, I have no idea. What I do know is that I saw an omega completely covered in bruises, only wearing some briefs, Handcuffed to the bed. I got the omega free from the handcuffs and got out of the rebels camp as fast as possible, taking him with me. The Omega was terrified of me, but didn't protest to anything I did. When we got out of the camp I took him to London to a healer to look at his bruises. The healer said he could help him but that I needed to get away from here as soon as possible. He was the one that told me about a second group of 'Escapers'. He said I should go and find them. He didn't say where you were but I know I needed to get away and get out of London. I wandered around London for almost half a year until i decided to head out of London. I was in the outskirts anyways. I had been looking for a while until I find you guys. The rest you know.'

We were all taken a back. I still think Harry's story was worse but what Liam has seen isn't something any of us would have liked to see.

'And the omega?' Niall asked.

Liam smiles 'I'm glad that he's alright now.'

Niall looks confused 'How do you know? You said he was with the healer, who knows what he did to him!' 

Niall is always very protective over other omegas, He hates the stories people tell about London and the 'Omega rally'. 

'Well, I thought the same until today I saw him with my own eyes again, Luckily with some more clothes on now.' Liam says and Niall still looks confused while in Zayn's face some look of realization is breaking through,

'I still don't get it.' Niall says confused and I know the answer to his question but I don't know if Harry wants them to know it. I look over to Harry, he looks so little the way he's sitting now, so young. 

Harry signs before whispering 'I'm the omega.'

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