Chapter 11

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Dedication to ConWeCallLove cause I absolutely love her story 'Make Me Break' Make sure to read it if you don't already!

Louis POV

'Louis? Louis, Wake up.' Those words are softly whispered in my ear by Zayn. I grumble before slightly opening one eye. I look around me and see that Harry is still asleep on my chest. We're still in the tree house we fell asleep in. 

'What time is it?' I ask my voice deeper from just waking up. 'And what are you doing here?'

'Well, It's around 1 pm, don't know exactly, I don't have a working watch anymore.' Zayn answers. 'And we had planned a meeting in the tree house today, remember?'

I shake my head in response, making sure not to wake Harry up with my movements. I didn't remember, I always had had a bad memory. My eyes slightly widen when my brain registers it's 1 pm. 'Shit! My mum is going to be pissed! And what would Harry's mother think? I said I would look after him!'

'Stop panicking! Liam and Niall came to clean the tree house this morning for our meeting but they saw you two sleeping and decided to let you sleep. Liam than went to your mum and Niall went to Harry's mum to inform where you were. It's all solved, Louis.' Zayn explains in a relaxed voice. 'Since how long are you here anyways? I didn't know you could sleep so long.'

'Neither did I to be honest but yeah, apparently I can. Been here since yesterday afternoon. We needed a Private place to talk so I had asked Liam if I could use the tree house. And If they could stay away.'

Zayn laughs quietly not to wake Harry up, who's still peacefully asleep. He can sleep through a lot. I can't help it when I start to play with his curls, something I used to do a lot when we were kids, playing with his, then straight, hair. It's probably just my imagination but for a little second i thought I saw Harry smile in his sleep when I started to play with his curls. 

'So this is Harry than?' Zayn asks me with a fond smile that makes me wonder if he knows something i don't... 

'Yes, this is Harry.' I answer with a proud smile. And really why am I so proud about that? Argh! I just can't fall for a boy! That thought makes my smile fall immediately and Zayn notices it.

'Louis, what's wrong?' My friends know me too good.

'I had a meeting with my dad, the day before yesterday and I kind of told him I found another, real, mate. It's half a lie, cause I think I am a bit falling for a person who i absolutely shouldn't fall for but I am. In two weeks he wants to meet my mate, for that time he will leave me alone, where I am gratefull for but how the hell am I going to find a mate, if I fell for someone out of my reach?' Okay, Louis that sounded very desperate. 

Zayn lets out a sign and shakes his head with a little smile playing around his lips 'Normally I would ask you who you've fallen for but I kind of have a feeling that I know who it is.' He says while nodding towards Harry. 

And since when do I blush? Since now apparently 'Is it really that obvious?' 

'Yeah, but only because I know you so well. Can't tell how Harry feels though, he's asleep.'

I hear some noise's outside and I am immediately alerted. I know who it are when I hear 'God dammit Liam! Thanks to you we are way to late! Look at the sun, It must be past 2 already.'

Harry starts clinging to my T-shirt a bit more at the mention of Liam's name and he slowly opens his eyes, clearly woken up from the yelling. He makes a move to let got of my shirt as he wakes up, but I just wrap my arms around him. He snuggles back in my shirt and pretends to be asleep to the rest of the world. I know better, I saw him wake up. 

'C'mon Harry, don't hide in my shirt, I know your awake, Niall's yells can even wake up bears in hibernation!' I start to slowly sit up and Harry gets his head out of my shirt. I am still holding him close, knowing that Niall and Liam are coming up and that Harry is still slightly terrified of him. Still don't know why. 

'Oi! I am not that bad!' Niall says poking his head out in the door opening of the tree house. 

'No Niall, you're not bad you're loud!' Zayn replies laughing. I see Harry now noticing Zayn's presence and he scans over him looking a bit scared. Understandable, if you don't know Zayn than you would say he looks like a bad boy. We know better than that, but for outsiders he can come of as dangerous.

'Who is that, Louis?' Harry whispers softly in my ear. My body reacts only by hearing 4 simple words from him. Did the boys feel the same when they found their mates? When they fell in love?

'Zayn, make sure Harry isn't scared of you' Zayn knows Immediately what I mean and does his earrings out and removes his leather jacket. Now he looks ten times less scary, he only can't remove his few pieces of body art. 

Zayn loves art with the bottom of his heart, so he once made some weird body art with permanent black marker. He says he doesn't regret anything, I doubt his decisions. 

'Sorry, Harry, I always forget how other people see me when they don't know me. I'm Zayn Malik and I promise I won't harm you, alright?' Harry still looks doubtful - since when can I read people that well? I was always shit in it..- but nods anyways with a little smile.

'I'm Harry Styles' A loud gasp is heard from the door opening, where Niall is sitting next too. Liam has come in to view and the gasp came from him. 

Harry looks to where the gasp came from and as soon as he sees Liam he hides behind my back, clinging at my T-shirt and making himself look as small as possible.

Liam has now climbed fully in to the tree house. I need to keep my alpha part down, cause there is a part of me that wants to growl and use an alpha voice to let him stay away from Harry. It wouldn't matter much anyways, Liam is still an alpha himself.

Niall looks very confused between me & Harry and Liam. 'Can someone explain this to me? What's going on?'

Zayn adds 'Do you know Harry, Liam?'

Liam signs 'Yes, I know Harry. We have met in place i think we both want to forget.' He looks directly in to my eyes 'I have never harmed him you know. I just look like my father, more than I want to.'

And than another piece of the puzzle felt in it's place, Turning back to Harry, who still made himself look small but did dare to look at me, 'When you look in Liam's eyes you see Jeff.'

Harry nods slightly.

'Now it makes sense to why you where scared every time Liam's name was called, it makes you remember.'

'Remember what?' Niall asks still confused. Harry shakes his head in response and looks me in the eyes with a pleading look. 

'That's something for Harry to tell when he's ready to tell.' Niall looks satisfied with the answer. 

'Have you told Harry what happened when he wasn't here?' Zayn asks, to which Harry shakes his head Immediately. 

'Not yet..'

I'm not weak - LarryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant