Chapter 13

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Louis POV

I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar place. At least on the first sight, so I slightly panicked. But as soon as I saw a bunch of curls next to me I relaxed. 

We ended up late again and decided to stay at Liam and Niall's since the weather wasn't amazing either. Since the boys had already told our parents where we were we wouldn't have to worry about them. 

I really should talk to Harry about what happened here and about my feelings towards him, but I don't want him to freak out. He already been to too much for a seventeen year old boy. No one should have ever gone through that. 

Next to me Harry stirs ans short after that I see his eyes slowly opening. He looks around for a bit before his eyes land on me and he mumbles 'Goodmorning' in a very sleep - and sexy - voice. 

'Good morning, slept well?' Something my mother always asks to me and all my sisters individually. So with me living there for too many years, I picked up the habit. 

'Yeah, alright.' Harry says in his sleepy voice. He looks pretty nervous about something and I want to ask him about it but he tells me before I need to ask something 'Louis, I think I'm about to go in heat.'

And well to say that's a problem is an understatement. My eyes widen and of course i knew that Harry is an Omega and that Omegas go in heat but I didn't thought it would happen so soon. 'Shit what do you do now?'

Harry looks at me with a insecure look 'I- well-' He bites his lip. 'I'm not 100% sure but it's been a few weeks ago and well..' Harry takes a deep breathe before saying in a rush 'IthinkIlikeyoumorethanIshould' 

That the fastest I ever heard him speak so it isn't weird that I ask 'What?'

'I know it sounds weird but I think I like you more than I should, Louis..' Harry bites his lip after he has repeated himself. I blink a few times a bit in shock. Who knew, Harry feels the same towards me. 

'I'm pretty sure I like you more than I should..' I confess then. If Harry can do it than so can I. 

Harry looks up at my confession with wide eyes 'Really?!' and I can't help but smile fondly at him. 

'Ever since you came around again I didn't want to leave your side anymore, had the feeling I needed to touch you and when you cried I wanted to murder every single one of the people that ever laid a hand on you. I promised myself to keep you save and well... you know I am an alpha and Alphas don't put anyone in front of themselves besides their mates but I did.'

Harry looks at me in awe. 'I missed you all the time when I was away, the thing I feared the most was that I would never be able to see you again.' After he says that I pull him in a hug and inhale his scent. I can definitely smell that he's going in heat soon, I don't give him more than a day.

When I pull away I bite on my lip. I know this is the dream scenario for everyone, finding someone you love and it turns out they actually love you back. And it is, of course it is but now I need to think about my dad and I can't start anything with Harry until he know the truth. 

'Harry, there is something you need to know before anything happens.' I start and look at him and he nods signalling me to continue speaking. 

'When you were gone, everything stayed quite the same as you could probably tell. Everything is still under the eye of the leader. The thing is no one really knew who the leader was right? Well... It turns out to be my dad.' Harry gasps at this but I continue 'He told me that I would take over his spot and at that moment I agreed with him, mainly because I was excited to get to know my dad again. Let me tell you, by now I think it's the worst decision I have ever made. He told me all the rules I needed to follow, of which I have already broken many.'

'I think I do know how to get of the thrown but it would put you in danger.' I say 'My dad hates homosexuality. If it's time that the guards are on the street everyone pretends to be straight.'

Harry nods 'In London it's the same, if some of the leaders find out some male had anal sex than they are up in a private 'omega rally. They make sure the alpha mate is watching as the omega basically get raped by someone else. I only heard about this though, I have never seen one myself.'

I shake my head 'Poor omegas. Luckily things like that don't happen here.' 

Harry looks up at me before asking with a hint of curiosity 'What rules have you broke?'

I laugh a little 'Well, Don't own any working battery, Never go out after 10 pm, broke that one more than once though. Always do what the leader says, Don't go out of the boundaries. Don't go liking boys and probably some more but I don't-'

I was about to say something more but Niall, Zayn and Liam burst in to the room wide eyed. Me and Harry look at each other in confusion.

'Louis, your mother is here, she has some news for you.' Now I'm even more confused.

I am a bit stubborn and take Harry with me downstairs even if he protests and says that I should go talk to my mother by myself. I see my mum sitting in the living room biting her lip. 'Mum, what's wrong?' I ask her

She looks up at me and smiles a little before breaking down the news 'Louis, your dad just passed away.' 

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