Chapter 6

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Louis POV

It was only a whisper but it meant so unbelievable much to me. The reaction from Harry after he said that was what left me with a lot of questions

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' He kept repeating that until I put my hand for his mouth. His eyes widened at my action, like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to.

'Why are you sorry?' Niall asked obvious to what Harry whispered into my ear.

Harry had tears streaming down his face again and he was shaking his head 'Talking is bad, missing people is bad. That means you love someone and ... everything can go away.'

At least now he spoke to us but both me and Niall looked at each other confused. 'What do you mean? Why is talking bad? And I said I missed you as well, so that's okay.'

'The more you talk, the more you...' he shivered visibly still crying. 'I missed you! 10 years, is much Louis... I don't know how you are now, who your friends are or what you do! No matter where I was, I always missed you, wished you were coming to save me.'

I put his head on my shoulder and started to stroke his hair and started hugging him from the side 'I felt the same, Harry. I had no idea where on earth you could be. Hell I didn't even know if you were alive! It killed me, to not know if you were save, even if I never showed it.'

Niall looked at us with adoration in his eyes and for once kept his mouth shut. He gestures to the door and waves goodbye to Harry, who doesn't see it through his tears, Before he goes downstairs to do something, probably talking to Anne.

'Did you really miss me?' He asks with a shy and insecure voice.

And I can't help my next actions, I look at him and give him a kiss on the cheek before I say 'So much.'

Let me tell you, it's not a common thing for an alpha to show love, or any ways that could be seen as love towards an omega. Only mates and family are the ones an alpha shows love to. Well, that's how I've learned it, but for some people you can make exceptions right?

Harry looks at me with a look I can't really read. I've never been that good at reading people by looking in their eyes. Can see it when someone is sad or happy though. For any other emotion I'm kind a obvious.

'Thank you, Louis'

I just smile at him, wanting to ask the question that's burning in my throat to slip out and ask but I don't know if that's a good idea.

Harry looks at me before saying 'You want to know what happened' It wasn't a question, it was a statement. He has always been better at reading people than I am. He lets out a sigh 'My mum and sister want to know to ever since I came back they keep asking about what happened, but I -' He stops in the middle of his sentence. Looking at me with tears in his eyes 'I can't talk about it. Not yet.'

I pull him in a hug again 'You don't need to tell me, as long as you stay here, It doesn't matter. The most Important thing is that you're back, save. Don't worry about it, I'm here to protect you and I won't let anyone hurt you, not even yourself.'

Harry just nods, still hugging me. Both of us not wanting to let go. I for some reason feel like I need to protect Harry, for more than just the world. For some reason I want him to be mine.

Realizing what I just thought shocks me. That's exactly the same feeling Liam described to me when he wasn't bonded with Niall yet. He felt that way towards Niall. Zayn had said he felt that way towards Perrie, his mate, as well and he mated only 5 days ago.

I need to talk to them really soon.

'Maybe this sounds weird, but I trust you.' Harry's words get me out of my thoughts.

'No, It's not weird. It's good to know that you're not scared of me.'


I'm curious don't blame me 'Why didn't you talk to your mother and sister, but you did talk to me?'

I feel that he start to bite his lip cause his face is still buried in my neck 'I didn't mean to speak to you. Guess it's your alpha charm.'

I couldn't help myself as I started to laugh 'My alpha charm? I may be an alpha but I'm not charming.'

'Sorry' Was the quiet whisper I got as response and Immediately knew I shouldn't have laughed as loud as I did.

'It's not your fault, you don't need to say sorry'

An omega that says sorry for everything, could be written in some of my dad's 'rule books'. I was the only one he forced to read them. He actually was charming towards everyone. Except for me. Why? no idea, always been that way, will probably never change.

'You haven't been living with my dad have you?' I ask to be completely sure. We now stopped hugging but kept our knees against each other. I swear I felt some sort of shock going through my body.

'Your dad is back?!' Harry asks with a surprised tone in his voice.

Okay, maybe we both have some explaining to do...

A/N Okay This is a very short chapter I'm aware of that but I want to know If you would rather have like 3/4 updates between 1000-2000 words in one week or rather 1/2 updates a week with chapter of 3000-4000 words? Right now I do the first option - though the next one is probably going to be a bigger one - but I want to know what you all like to read. Hope you like this, thanks for all the reads/Votes/Comments they all mean a lot, every single one of them

:) xx

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