Chapter 10 - Harry's story part 2

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'Liam had wide eyes and was looking at the scene in front of him in shock. I don't think his dad knew how to react cause he and the other men in the room left as soon as Liam came in. I was trembling harder by every step Liam took towards the bed, until he started to speak to me in a soft voice and muttering something like 'so this is his 'business'' He tried to calm me down first but when he noticed that didn't really work he just untied me from the bed and went looking for some proper clothes for me. I was seriously afraid that he would do what his father was planning on doing. I now know what he was planning on doing, by that time I didn't know what he was doing. Anyways, Liam came back with clothes and give them to me and said i needed to wear them. When I was done he took me out of the House, out of the Rebels camp. Or more like sneaked me out with him. When we were far away from that camp we came to a stop and Liam told me who he was and that he was Jeff's son. He said he was forced to join his father in the Rebels camp, something he absolutely hated. The things they do in the Rebels camp he told me was nothing good. But they had one secret that he didn't want to tell me. What he did told me was that one of the business they did in the Rebels camp was hurting and using Omega's to their pleasure, which he thought was horrible. He said his dad sent away some men to collect lonely Omega's from the street to have them work for him. Liam wasn't like that and never wanted to be like that and was planning on walking away. When he saw me he got more determined to do so. But he couldn't leave me. We stayed the night together in the woods, i was scared of Liam - and i still am - because i had a feeling I couldn't completely trust him. The following morning Liam brought me to a healers place in London. Liam pretended to be my Alpha on the streets we walked so no one would think about 'getting in my pants' he said. I still don't know how he knew where the Healers house was but I was glad he knew. The Healer could tell me that since I was in the Rebels Camp 2 years had passed and that I was now 9 years old, Liam was 10 by that time. The healer looked at Liam before saying to him that he should go look for the 'Escapers' Outside of London. If he didn't find them, he would walk on dangerous grounds here. Liam asked why I didn't need to go, but the Healer said I was too weak. I wanted to protest, but the Longer I was there, the weaker I started to feel, which is horrible. Cause I'm not weak. Even though everyone else says I am. Liam went away, but the last view i got of him where his eyes, the eyes that look just like his dad's. I passed out just after that view. When I woke up I was still in the Healers house, but i was feeling 10 times better that when I came. The time that i woke up though, 11 days had passed. The healer said that i needed to go, that it was safer for me to go as far away from London as possible. I did what he said, very scared I walked out of his house and on to the street. What i saw on the street is what i believe they call an Omega/Alpha rally, Omega's are driven in a little circle by alpha's in rut and when i special shot is fired, Every Alpha takes one Omega and ehm... fucks the shit out of them.'

Harry looks sad but doesn't cry anymore. 'Sorry, I shouldn't swear, sorry'

'I just walked out of the house when the Shot sounded through the street and all alpha's took the Omega's. I didn't know how fast i needed to get out of that place so I did, I ran as fast as I could, but someone took me from behind and placed something in front of my mouth, just like the men from the Rebel Camp did. When I woke up, I was met with wide Blue eyes. They were from a girl and she sort of calmed me down, said i had gotten abused, but was saved in time by her Mother. I don't remember very much of that, what happened with the abuse and stuff but i did woke up extremely sore and well.. I guess what people call weak. I stayed there a few months before I left, saying that i should head home. By than 18 months had passed and I was twelve.'

Harry paused

'I don't think I am able to tell what happened the last 4 years yet. Sorry.'

'You never need to tell me something you don't want to tell me, Harry. Just remember I will always be here when you need me, for anything.'

Harry nods and tells a bit more 'In the end I escaped from the place I stayed for the last 4 years and found my way, to what the people told me were the 'Escapers' What i now know is here. I came to the gate and someone recognized me and began to yell for someone else. That person said i needed to follow him and he brought me home to my mother and sister. Because i knew them I tried to act the same as before i 'went away' but i couldn't after all i had seen. I tried as well with you, but the difference between you and my mum and sister, that i for some reason felt save. When you walked in to the door, i felt save. An emotion i haven't felt for years.'

Harry lets out a sigh 'I don't want to admit it to my mum, but as soon as I was back, I hoped you would walk through the door and than you did.' he ends his story with a light smile and a yawn.

Louis start to lay them both down, feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything he just got told. 'I am glad I came by.' 

'Me too' Harry says before falling asleep on Louis' chest. Seeing Harry sleeping peacefully, he decides that he would protect Harry no matter what. 

'If someone ever thinks about touching you again, they will have the shortest life they can imagine.'

And even though Louis still has a lot of questions unanswered, he feels sleepy and decides to join Harry in the sleep-world.

At that moment not caring that they were still in the tree house.

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