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"Dear Pete and Patrick Wentz," Patrick glared down at his phone with the widest grin on his face, speaking in a voice as if he was presenting royalty. 

"You have been cordially invited to attend Christmas brunch at the Stump household at ten a.m. central time on December 25 of this year. You do not need to bring anything except a beverage of your liking. Yours truly, mom and dad." He finished with the sound of his phone turning off. Pete stood there, leaning against the door frame, admiring his husband.

"Why'd you read it like that?" Pete chuckled, walking over and putting his forearms on the island in the center of their kitchen. 

Patrick didn't have an answer; he just liked the way his voice sounded. He was always like that, he didn't know why he did stuff he just..did it. He enjoyed having odd quirks and expressing himself in different ways whether that be by speaking a different way or wearing two different socks. And that's what everyone loved about him. That was the reason Pete married the little guy.

Pete on the other hand was the opposite. He didn't give a fuck about people's opinions, that was for sure but he was more closed off and made sure to always act perfect even though he had his flaws. He was afraid of Patrick leaving him.

"Sounds cool I guess?" Patrick shrugged giving no sign of effort in his answer. He began playing with the small thread on his sweater near his hand and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. 

"What's wrong, Patty?" Pete questioned. Patrick just bowed his head, shaking it lightly. Pete walked around the island and wrapped his arms around the smaller mans waist. The only sound that could be heard was the faint noise of the song Your Song  by God himself. 

Patrick turned around, putting his arms around Pete's neck. Pete smiled, picking his husband up carefully and putting his feet on top of his as he began to move in circles. 

"Our wedding song." Patrick smiled against Pete's neck as he continued to dance with him. Nothing in that moment could be more perfect. "I remember when you kept tripping like you had two left feet."

"Oh yeah?" Pete smirked as Patrick laughed at the memory of when they both shared their first dance together.  "You know what I remember?"

"What?" Patrick giggled looking up into his husband's eyes. The smirk never left Pete's lips as he leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips. 

Pete and Patrick were like two pieces of a puzzle, you can't complete the puzzle without one piece missing. They met through a mutual friend in college and didn't get off on the right foot. Pete was always trying to get into other guy's pants and was known as the campus slut and Patrick didn't want a one night stand. But when Pete found Patrick lying on the cold, hard ground that was the bathroom floor, completely naked and venerable something clicked and he knew he had to be there for him. 

It was hard at first. Patrick never let anyone near him, let alone touch him (to this day they haven't done the deed). After months and months of recovering, he finally let Pete in. Patrick agreed to go on a date with him which meant something because Pete wasn't known as the dating type, obviously. 

Pete took him to Cloud Gate in Millennium Park, nothing special just a chance to learn more about each other. It was unfortunately cut short though because it began to downpour but it was worth it. They shared their first kiss under the figure that is Cloud Gate in the pouring rain, not giving one shit of what one person thought of two grown men kissing. 

They shared their first 'I love you''s in the Chicago Institute of Fine Arts while admiring the masterpiece that is the  A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.

Three years later, while in New York for a mini vacation, Pete proposed on the top of the Empire State Building and got his best friend, Brendon, to record the whole thing. Sometimes on bad days the couple would watch it together and remember the memories of the day where Pete grew a set and popped the question. 

And now here they were, three months after their wedding, dancing in the kitchen to their wedding song and not giving a damn about the world. Tomorrow would be the day that they spent their first Christmas together as a married couple and they couldn't be more ecstatic to see what they were going to exchange. 

As the song came to an end, Pete let go of Patrick and sighed. "Babe, are you sure you wanna go to your parents house for Christmas? It's our first Christmas together, aloooone." 

"I promised them last year remember?" Patrick sighed, sitting on top of the counter top. It was true, he did promise them. They've baled every year when they shared an apartment with their friends Andy and Ryan. Andy moved out to be with his boyfriend, Joe, and Ryan stayed in the apartment when Pete and Patrick moved to live on their own once they got married.

"Fiiine, but when I say we're leaving-" 

"We're leaving. Yeah, yeah, I know the drill, buddy." 

"Don't get sassy with me, you little man." Pete said as Patrick just chuckled and jumped down from the counter. "Where do you think you're going mister?" 

"To bed! I'm tired and we need to leave early tomorrow."  Patrick yawned and headed out of the kitchen. "You comin?"

Pete just nodded and followed behind his husband, silently admiring his butt and the things he was dreaming of doing to it. 

This is so bad im sorry 

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