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"Hello is this..Brandon Earry?"

Brendon sighed, he hated when people messed up his name. His name wasn't even hard to say!

"No this isn't Brandon Earry," he spit into the speaker. "This is Brendon Urie"

Believe it or not, people getting his name wrong was a common mistake. Even on his birth certificate his father 'accidentally' got his name wrong and he eventually had to go to city hall and get it spelled correctly.

"Whoops! Sorry about that Mr. Urie." Brendon began to grow impatient with the female on the other end. It genuinely confused him as to why this women would call him on Christmas from a number he didn't even know.

Maybe it's a number I deleted a while ago?"

He ended up just asking the women who she was deciding against the idea of guessing who or why she was calling. "May I ask who's calling?"

"Oh yeah, uh, This is Sarah from Southside Hospital calling about your friend Pete Wentz. You were in his emergency contacts." Sarah, ha, what a stupid name. I bet she's not even attractive.

"What about him?" Brendon put down the bowl of grapes he was currently eating and sat down on the couch, flipping through the channels on his television.

"We would like to inform you that him and his partner got into a severe accident. His partner is currently awake and stable but Pete is in a coma, the doctors aren't too sure if he will become conscious or not. I'm sorry to bring you this news on Christmas." You could hear the frown in Sarah's voice.

Brendon laughed to himself and put the remote down to adjust his phone. "What?" His laughing began to die down.

"Im sorry Mr. Urie but the doctors don't know how much time he has left and if I were you I would rush over here immediately to-" Brendon hung up on her before she could finish her sentence.

No, this can't be happening, he thought. Surely his best friend was alive and at home with Patrick, safe, enjoying the holiday. He wasn't dying.

This all had to be a joke! Pete would probably be walking through the door any second now and go "Ha I tricked you!".

None of that would happen though. It was all true. Pete was in a coma. The pair was in a car accident. He is on his death bed.

And there's nothing Brendon could do about it.

The whole way to the hospital Brendon was thinking over things. When was the last time I saw him? What was the last thing I said to him?


"Hello is this Ryan Ross?"

Ryan rolled over and checked his clock on his nightstand. 2:36 pm.

"Unfortunately," he mumbled and got out of bed, leaving Shane to lye alone under the sheets. How could an asshole look so peaceful when he sleeps?

"Well then, Merry Christmas Mr. Ross!" The woman tried to cheer him up but Ryan wanted none of it. Why do people need to work on Christmas anyways?

There was silence for a few seconds as Ryan slipped his feet into his soft slippers. Before he exited the room he turned back around and looked at the man who had changed his life in so many ways. Ryan didn't know at this point if he still loved him or if he ever loved him.

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