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Brendon and Ryan began planning. You would think they would go home but Ryan still didn't feel safe and Brendon was enjoying his company.

"When should their first date be?" Ryan asked, playing with the coffee cup in his hands.

"Well we need to make sure they're comfortable with eachother first then I'll try to convince Pete with making the first move."

Ryan shrugged and listened to Brendon go on and on about his plan. He had to admit: it wasn't that bad of an idea, well, at least for Brendon's sake. Ryan just met the guy and he can already tell that he's made some dumb decisions in his life but who hasn't?

The only thing Ryan was nervous about was if Patrick would go through with it. He seemed a little uncomfortable around Pete but maybe, just maybe this could work.

Now that Ryan was thinking of it he had other things to worry about also. Would Pete ask him out? Would the relationship last? Would they both be comfortable with eachother?

Ryan was a nervous wreck.

"Hey guys," Pete said coming up being Ryan making him jump. "Woah there sorry didn't mean to scare you."

Pete came and sat down next to Ryan in the uncomfortable cafeteria seats. "What're you talking about?"

Brendon didn't know what to say. Should he just flat out tell him their plan or come up with an excuse on the spot?

"You actually," Ryan responded for him.

"Me?" Ryan nodded slowly, taking a sip of his gross, cheap hospital coffee. "You really seemed to like Patrick, huh?"

Pete couldn't help but blush at the mention of his name. I mean who wouldn't? The way his hair falls, the way he walked, his eyes. God his eyes; Pete could easily say that was his favorite feature about Patrick.

He had to admit: Pete did feel something when he was around Patrick. Was it love? He wasn't sure but he was willingly to find out.

"Yeah..he's alright," Pete tried to cover up by looking down and playing with the lose thread on his hospital gown. "I haven't really talked to him but he seems pretty nice."

Ryan and Brendon both looked at eachother, giving eachother a look that said "is he really serious?".

"Would you fuck him?" Brendon said a bit too loudly out of nowhere. Ryan kicked him under the table and shot him daggers.

Pete didn't even answer the question; he awkwardly got up from the table and strolled out of the cafeteria with the question on his mind:

Would he fuck him?

Oh hell yes.

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