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I apologize that this seems like a Ryden fic but trust me the peterick will come soon enough!

"You should be lucky that he even remembers you, Brendon!" Ryan complained as they both sat across from each other in the hospital cafeteria. "They don't fucking remember each other!"

Ryan was seething with anger as he kept stabbing his salad with his fork, ranting on and on about how it was unfair that they were oblivious about their marriage and relationship. Since he didn't have a healthy relationship he felt the need to make sure everyone else was happy so they wouldn't feel like him.

"I don't understand why you're so pissed off man" Brendon sighed and began ripping pieces off his now dirty napkin. Ryan sprung up from his chair and began pacing back and forth. "Ryan sit down you're over stressing yourself. It's Christmas for godsake."

"Put two and two together Brendon!" Ryan quit pacing and looked him dead in the eyes. "Their chance at happiness is at stake here you idiot! They're never going to adopt together, never going to live together again, never going to look at each other the same way."

Ryan didn't even know why he was getting so worked up. It wasn't like he was the one hurt or losing the love of his life. So why would he be so mad? Was it because he saw how happy the two were together and it was just gone?

"I have an idea." Brendon perked up as Ryan was staring at him intently.

"Anything you say at this point is just bull and we both know it so save your breath." Ryan angrily spoke. "I'm going to talk to Patrick."

Ryan stormed out of the cafeteria with smoke practically piping out of his ears. He was fuming.

When he strolled into Patrick's room he was met with an empty bed.


Patrick was sick and tired of lying in the goddamn hospital bed, staying in the same room for days. He had to use the bathroom and he was so stubborn that he didn't even wanna use the bathroom in his room. Patrick wanted out.

He grabbed the IV stand right next to his bed and began wheeling down the hall to the men's restroom. When he tried to walk over the tiny step that led into the bathroom, his stand fell over and pulled the IV out of his hand causing him to cry out in pain.

"Shit," he hissed as he bend down to try and pick it up but was best to it when someone came over and picked it up for him. "T-Thanks."

"No prob- Patrick?" The whiskey eyed man looked down at the younger who still hadn't looked up yet.

Patrick looked up and stared at the man in confusion. "Do I know you?"

"Yeah! We went to college together remember?" When he saw that Patrick was confused he continued. "I'm Pete Wentz."

He stuck his hand out and Patrick hesitated a little bit. "Patrick Stump."

Pete just went along with the idea of them not knowing each other for Patrick's sake. "I heard you were in a car accident."

"Oh yeah uhm. Heard you were in one too?" Patrick shifted uncomfortably at the idea of this stranger knowing random things about him.

Pete hummed in response. "Want me to walk you back to your room?"

"Sure I just uh need to use the bathroom first." Patrick laughed nervously. Once he walked into the bathroom he leaned against the door once he shut it.

He didn't want to be rude and make Pete wait but he didn't want to be faced with the awkwardness of walking back together.

"You okay in there?" He heard Pete ask once realization hit that he had been in the bathroom for a couple minutes already.

Petes question was answered once Patrick strolled out of the bathroom. "Yeah I'm alright."

All Pete did to respond was smile and it made Patrick's heart flutter.

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