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Comment what you think about the book so far/this chapter?? ALSO this is really really short but it explains what the book is going to be about.

"You're kidding." Ryan laughed once Brendon had explained the whole game plan to him.

"Does this look like a joking face to you?" Brendon was serious and for this man to be serious about anything was rare. "Do you want me to explain it again?"

Ryan nodded and gave his full attention to him.

"You said they met when Patrick was, ya know?" Brendon awkwardly asked. Ryan just nodded again. "Well we already have the meeting part covered. They met when Patrick was clumsy in the bathroom and he was vulnerable."

"No not really. He dropped his IV bag and Pete picked it up for him. Not vulnerable in anyway." Ryan gave a confused look.

"Sh don't correct me," Brendon put a finger to his lips. "That's phase one: them meeting each other."

"I don't get what you're getting at-"

"Let me finish!" Brendon said. "Phase two: the first date. They went to the bean remember?" Brendon began walking, signaling Ryan to follow him.

"Yeah I remember." Ryan stated as he kept a good distance from Brendon.

Ryan didn't know if him and Brendon were really friends or not. Maybe mutuals? Acquaintances? No one knew. He wasn't very good at making friends either.

Honestly the only friend he had was Shane and we see how that went.

"We need to recreate the first date." Brendon said a bit too excitedly. "They said their first 'I love you's' at the museum, first kiss under the bean, and Pete proposed in New York!"

"What the hell are you saying Brendon?"

"We're gonna recreate the love story, Ryan."

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