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"Merry Christmas!" Patrick squealed and rolled over to face his half asleep husband. "Peeteee!"

He didn't budge. It may have been Christmas but Christmas lasted all day, it could wait a couple more hours. Pete never found the point in way you need to wake up early on Christmas; it was just another day for him.

Patrick scooted to Pete's side of the bed, wrapping his arms around him as if he was a monkey. Pete couldn't complain. It might of been early but waking up to the love of your life next to you was amazing.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Pete muttered as he rolled over to face him. Quickly, he placed a kiss on top of the smaller male's head. "How about we call your mom and tell her we'll be a little late."

Pete spoke in a seductive tone, and Patrick had to admit, it turned him on, but he still wasn't ready for third base.

Pete pushed Patrick under him as he positioned himself on top of the younger man.

"Pete, you know we can't be late." Patrick whined, trying to get out from his grasps but failed. Pete was stronger then him and it made Pete crockery because he knew it too. He had his hands on either side of Patrick's face and his knees on both sides of his body.

Pete ignored his complaint and leaned down, leaving only centimeters of space between them. Patrick was quick to take his hands and place them on Pete's cheeks, running his thumb over his bottom lip.

In one quick motion, Patrick pulled Pete's lips on his, taking no time to rightfully claim what's his. Pete moved his hands from beside Patrick's face and brought one behind his neck and one on the small of his back. But they were cut short..

The blaring sound of their nine o'clock alarm ricocheted off their plain, white bedroom walls.

Patrick groaned against Pete's lips but continued to move his lips in perfect sync with his husband's. As soon as Patrick licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance, Pete pulled away.

"Don't wanna be late now do we?" Pete smirked at the man below him's facial expression. He laughed and bent back down, placing a soft peck on his lips before jumping out of bed and heading for the shower.

"Asshole," Patrick muttered low enough for only him to hear. He laid there for a few moments, scrolling through his old family photos that were in an album on his phone.

Patrick hadn't seen his parents in ages. They've tried to make plans together but it never worked. Skyping became an option but his parents didn't know how to work the damn thing.

He stumbled across a photo from when it was his eighth grade graduation. Patrick had a huge smile across his face, his parents standing on either side of him with even bigger grins. In his mothers grasps was Patrick's, at the time, two year old brother Charlie. 

Seeing that photo made the memories of Charlie flash instantly in front of him.

"Honey! I'm going to get Charlie from school." Patrick's father called into the kitchen where the nineteen year old Patrick and his mother sat.

"I can go get him if you want." Patrick afford as he was mid standing from his chair.

"No it's alright. I can get him. Thank you though, Patrick." Patrick just nodded in response and sat back down to continue his not so interesting conversation with his mother.

The door opened and closed without a sound leaving Patrick to question if his father even left. "I'm gonna go upstairs and clean a little." That was a lie and even his mother knew it but she smiled back.

Patrick closed his bedroom door behind him and lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His walls were filled to the brim with band posters and random pictures with his family..mostly band posters.

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