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Ryan sat waiting for Patrick to return from where ever he was. Was he worried? A little bit. But he knew Patrick wouldn't do anything stupid.

Patrick came wandering in with Pete right behind him, to Ryan's surprise.

"Where were you? I was worried sick!" Ryan sprung out of his chair and raced over to him. He looked behind his friend as his eyes widened in surprise. "Ryan."

He stuck his hand out to introduce himself to his now 'new' friend. "Pete."

Ryan smiled then turned look at Patrick again. "Come lay back down." When Patrick opened his mouth to protest Ryan spoke again. "Please."

Patrick waddled deeper into the room and plopped himself down on the bed.

Pete excused himself and walked out of the room and went back to his. There was something about Patrick that made Pete want more but he didn't know what.

"When can I get out of here?" Patrick huffed, pulling the blanket up to his chin.

"I don't know buddy. I don't know"


"Brendon I'm telling you he's gorgeous!" Pete smiled as he spoke about his new crush. "His hair, his smile, his eyes. Brendon you should've seen his eyes! Just him."

"Sounds like you found a keeper." Brendon leaned back in his chair as he kept listening to his friend go on and on about his new friend. Pete hadn't even said his name.

"Hell yea." Pete sighed and leaned his head back. "You should've seen him."

"With the way you're describing him I'm regretting not seeing him." Brendon laughed. "Did you get his name?"



"Yeah why- oh Brendon you fucked him haven't you?"

"I'll be right back." Brendon stormed out of the room and practically pushed down the door to Patrick's room.

"Yep, totally fucked him." Pete muttered and rolled back over to drift to sleep.

Brendon sprinted into Patrick's room and slowed down once he saw the sleeping figure on the bed. He tip toed over to the seat next to his bed and grabbed the ear of the elder as he pulled him out of the room.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Ryan repeated over and over as he was pulled from his seat. Once Brendon was satisfied with where they were (which was an empty hallway) he let go of his ear. "Brendon?"

"You're going to listen to me, Ross. I don't want you complaining about how they're never going to love each other again when I have an idea and can fix all of this shit!" Brendon whisper yelled in his face to not draw attention. "Now are you going to shut your trap for once and listen or are you gonna keep whining like a baby?"

Ryan stood there speechless. He had never been told off before. He was used to the one being in charge and running the show so for someone to do something like this was completely out of the ordinary.

Ryan couldn't even form words he was so taken back. So taken back to the point where his back was pressed against the wall with Brendon only inches away from him. 

"Fine," Ryan straightened his back and crossed his arms over his chest. "Hit me, Urie."

(possible spam of chapters tonight ??)

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