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Pete Wentz was brain dead for nine seconds.

The impact from when his head hit the center arm rest was so large that it caused his brain to go 'unsteady'. The doctors were almost 100% sure that Pete wouldn't make it but if he was to survive he would barely remember anything.

Pete had a good life as a kid, just a bad reputation. You screw up once and the next thing you know you're drowning your sorrows in beer and opening your legs for almost anyone. When he met Patrick though, he had hope that the small man could change him.

He never cared that Patrick was small, a little chubby, a victim of assault (rape), and the most intellectual. That's actually what pushed Pete to get to know the guy.

All of those memories they shared: their first time meeting, their first date, first kiss shared together, the proposal, their wedding day. Gone.

Patrick broke his writing arm and his rip cage in the impact along with entering a comatose state. The doctors knew he would survive but it was just a matter of time before he woke up.

Patrick, well, now Stump again, was always a simple man. He never asked for much and was grateful for what he had. He had his whole life planned:

Get married, buy a house together, after about a year of marriage adopt a little girl and spoil her like crazy; maybe even adopt a pet along the way, depending how things with the baby were going. It was a pretty full proof plan, he even had the first two things checked off!

So for an accident like this to come along and ruin everything for a loving, sweet, all around guy like Patrick confused everyone. What did he do to deserve it? What did they do to deserve this?


At around one o'clock, four hours after the couple were supposed to arrive at the Stump household, brunch was getting cold and the Christmas tree began to weep from the lack of water.

"Hi you've reached Patrick Wentz's cellphone! Sorry I can't get to the phone right now, I'm probably busy with something. Well obviously I'm busy if I don't pick up or maybe I'm ignoring-wait no I'm not ignoring you I swear, I love everyone. Crap how do you retake this?"

They continued calling and calling but the same voicemail came. All signs of hope were lost at this point as they both were assuming the worse. What if my baby's dead? What if he was attacked again? Is Pete okay or is Patrick the only one hurt?

"Honey," David rubbed the small of his wife's back. "Patrick's fine honey. Pete's with him and I'm sure they're both fine. Maybe they got caught in bad traffic or-"

"For four hours? Really? Do you think I'm that stupid? I'm his mother and I know when something is wrong." She spun around causing his hand to fall off her back. "If you want to believe that they caught 'caught in traffic' then go ahead. Go f-"

Her rage was cut off as her phone began to ring. They both stared at eachother as they cooled off, Patricia breathing heavy from rage. She strolled over to her cellphone and looked at the caller ID.

Patrick it read and it felt like the world stopped in that moment. "It's Patrick," she whispered as she stared at the phone in her hands.

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