X (1/2)

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Louis was never the type who shows her emotions in public, never was and never will. But, one year ago exactly it was hard to control her emotions anymore.

Louis came out to her whole school that day.

Bad decision.

She broke up with her so 'boyfriend' El, she had enough and his kisses were too sloppy and disgusting for her anyways. And the whole thought of dating a homophobic slash rasict guy was too horrible to even think about. She gathered all of her courage and faced him saying she was done with him and being the sassy girl she is, she confessed her true sexuality; bisexual and proud to be one.

Bad decision.

Him and his friends  laughed at her and called her a dyke, she winced at the name  but kept a straight (pun intended) face. She shrugged and didn't let his comment effect her feels, he raised his hand ready to slap her across her face for being an ungrateful 'bitch'.

Bad decision, for him this time.

Her eyes widened and her heart only started beating faster, she was quick to kick him in the balls, she ran so fast that she almost tripped on her way to her bicycle. His friends weren't so happy and they chased her while he was on floor wincing at the amount of well deserved pain.

Bad decision.

When she almost touched her bicycle, the boys already were gripping her waist and dragging her, putting her in the middle of their circle and started kicking her, they didn't care she is a girl nor that she is weak. And they didnt care where they hit the poor girl.

Bruises formed on her petite body, blood was coming out of her broken nose, she was whinging in pain from her broken ribs. She tried screaming but the pain was too much to handle.

They froze suddenly, now seeing the damage they caused and ran for their lives, they were in so much trouble.

She couldn't help but black out in the hallways, only to be rescued by a boy wiping his wet hands on his jeans, a knot was formed in his throat and he couldn't move for a second. Then it all clicked and ran to the nurse office while screaming curses at whoever beat up his bestfriend. Lou was his bestfriend andh blamed himself for not being there when she clearly needed him.

Tears, broken hearts and sadness filled up the whole school.

The boys were expelled, the bestfriend never forgave himself, Lou wasn't happy and she didn't think being expelled was enough for what they've done.

Her mind told her it was a bad decision to come out, but her heart told her it's okay to get broken. Things will get better and Lou didn't believe anything at that moment.

She thought it was all over, her future and her mental health wasn't at the best.

Her mom was freaking out and got mad when she heard the news, decided it was a good decision for them to move from the city.

Lou was depressed for the whole summer, scars covered her delicate skin, the pain of cutting never compared to the pain of her beating heart. Lou was obligated to deal with her own mental issues, her mother didn't see the use of a therapist so it was never an option for the tiny girl.


sorry my lovelies for being late, it's just a rough time for me. As you can see how sad this chapter was, but I'll get better I promise xx

If you liked this crappy chapter make sure to leave a comment and vote and if you want to talk to someone, I'm here 24/7 free.

kik: brightmoon.styles

Ily guys and have a great day :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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