02: The First Strike

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Hereby the game starts...


The sound echoed through the streets.

I didn't move an inch.

I had two choices now. To just continue on my way home and pretend I didn't hear anything, and with that avoid getting myself into trouble and pulling unnecessary attention to me, or on the other hand, what If someone was seriously hurt?

I didn't hear a second shot, so I'm guessing whoever shot the gun managed to hit his target.

As much as I might regret this, there is no way I can just turn my back to this now and act, as if I didn't hear anything.

There weren't any other people on the street, so nobody is going to call the police or an ambulance.

If that is even still needed.

What felt like minutes of silence, with only my thoughts arguing inside my head again, was actually just a small amount of time, a few seconds, until my legs began moving on it's own, running to wherever the sound came from.

After what felt like no time at all, I was standing in front of a normal building. It looked abandoned, so I didn't waste any time entering through the doorway.

It was dark and the big entrance hall was almost completely empty.

From now on, I had to be careful.

Maybe the owner of the gun is still around here. Maybe there were more than 2 people anyway? Or was it a suicide act?

Trying to think about what might have caused the gunshot isn't going to do anything though. I'm not going to find the answer to that, until I find the crime scene.

Considering I heard the gunshot loud and clear, I'm guessing it must have happened out in the open. Therefore, the only option was probably the roof.

Immediately running to the right, I started making my way up the dark staircase. After maybe three floors, I arrived at the exit to the rooftop.

Slowly opening the door, I carefully glanced through the opening.

'You can never be too careful.' Sensing no danger ahead, I stepped outside.

The cold wind was flowing through my hair, as soon as I had stepped through the doorframe.

Then I opened my eyes. What I found shocked me...

In the middle of the rooftop was a single man. Lying...in his own pool of blood.

I ran to him as fast as I could and carefully turned him around. I immediately checked his pulse. 'Thank god...he's still alive.' Sighing in relief, I examined the man further. He looked very young. Maybe in mid or beginning of his twenties? His straight light brown hair, which almost reached his shoulders, was sticking to his face, as a few blood drops had wet them.

Then I saw it.

There was a bullet wound right in his chest. It had torn through his black coat and opened a big hole in it.

He was lucky though.

The bullet hadn't hit his heart, but he already lost so much blood. No ambulance would be quick enough to save him. There is still one last chance for him though...

I was still examining his wound, when I noticed brown orbs staring at me.

'He's still conscious?'

I didn't know what to say, but he thankfully took that trouble from me.

"Who...are you?" His voice sounded strained.

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