13: Regrets

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It was entirely suffocating in the bar. With grim looks on their faces, the clansmen's blood was still boiling over the incident that occurred last night. Smoke was filling the air, as the bartender exhaled and put his still burning cigarette out.

"So, Anna. What exactly happened?"

The little girl was seated on the couch with her hands in her lap. Her king was right beside her, his presence calming her. The atmosphere around him was heavy, yet no once could blame him. All of them felt restless, even after having taken care of the problem.

As relieved as they were that their princess hadn't been harmed badly, another person hadn't been as lucky as her. After having examined her wounds, it was even worse than they had thought, yet strangely enough her body was already healing.

Not having regained consciousness yet, the woman was laying in one of the upper rooms. Izumo and Tatara had bandaged her wounds together, so now it was just a matter of time until she woke up, as her condition was stabilized.

Anna closed her eyes, her heart not wanting to recall the horrible events from yesterday, yet her mind knowing it's for the best.


After they had dragged Hiyori away, she was left alone with their captors. Most of them were doing their own thing, chatting or brandishing their weapons. Some even fought among themselves, while others made bets and fired them on.

She was standing beside the leader of them all, who was casually sitting in his chair. Patience was all she needed in this moment, as she knew that her family would come for them soon. Yet the face of her friend, before she was forced to leave, wouldn't leave her mind.

Her smile was a promise to her, to come back alive and well, but Anna didn't miss the worry and even fear hiding behind it. Some time passed until they started. Screams echoed throughout the hall. They sounded far away, barely audible, yet Anna didn't miss them.

The girl's heart ached, hearing the pain and fearing the torment they must be putting her through. The man beside her presumably noticed her worried state, as he etched closer and spoke in a low voice.

"See? This is what happens when one defies me."

A disturbingly proud smile was etched on his features. Anna couldn't bear to look him in his face any longer, the satisfaction in it making her sick.

Her mind was starting to fill with guilt, know what the leader craved for. If she would only give him what he wanted, they would release her friend from the pain. However, Anna just couldn't do it. It would mean betraying her family. She knew they wouldn't hate her for giving in, but her own pride and love for Homra wouldn't let her do so.

The man was observing the girl beside him, knowing she must be deliberating giving in. A mere moment later, Anna looked up from her pained stance, strength evident in her eyes. Clicking his tongue, he knew she decided against it, much to his dislike.

Narrowing his eyes, a sick idea filled his mind, not yet done with tormenting the girl's psyche. Inching closer to her, he spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Are you afraid for her, little princess?"

She knew what he meant to achieve, yet the words he said still stung. Her body stiffens, as she did her best to hold back from showing him any pain or fear.

"You should be. My men have been eyeing her body, begging me to let them have a taste."

Her breath got hitched in her throat. Lowering her gaze to the floor, she tried to ignore his stinging words.

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