06: Questions With No Answers

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It was dark...

My body...why does it feel so heavy?

I groaned and tried to rub my eyes, yet all I heard was a clinging noise.

Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up to my hands, finally discovering what held them in their place. Cold cuffs with chains were wrapped around both of them.

The chains clang with every move I took.

My eyes widened, as I realized that I was chained to a bed. Getting myself together, I started examining the place I was locked into.

A small and weak light bulb was the only light source, as the rest of the room was clad in darkness.

The air was cold and I could see the dust floating around the room.

My head throbbed, as I tried to calmly recall on how I got into this situation,

But I remember now...

They took me.

I didn't win the game.

I couldn't escape...

A wave of sadness came over me, after I realized how I got here.

Struggling against the chains, I heard a light voice, chuckling at my hopeless attempts to free myself.

Turning in its direction, I found a man standing just a few feet away from the bed I was chained to.

A cigarette was loosely hanging from his parted lips, as he continued to stare at me.

I immediately recognized him. Who wouldn't?

As soon as I looked into his strong amber eyes, the same sensation hit me again like it did before.

Just the atmosphere around him made my body tremble, and his intense stare was giving me goosebumps.

There was no way I would forget. Yet I wanted to deny it. Why did it have to be them?

Staring back at him, I tried sitting up, to get myself in a more prideful position, considering I was just lying defenseless on the hard and cold bed.

Sitting on my knees now, I finally had found the courage to open my mouth.

"Who...are you?"

I already knew the answer. However, I didn't want to believe it. This had to be a bad joke. A nightmare maybe?

A light smirk spread across his face.

Was he enjoying this?

I cautiously observed every move he took, yet still giving me no answer, he stepped forward, burning the cigarette in his hands.

My eyes widened, as I stared at the man before me.


Ah...so it really is them...

The red clan.

Clenching my teeth together, the fire from his hand disappeared again.

His eyes narrowed as he gave me one last glance, before turning around and leaving the room.

'The hell was that? Bastard...'

The door was closed again. With him gone, I at least could inspect the room now. Maybe there was a way for me to already get out of here?

There weren't any windows, and besides a bed in the middle and a small shelf beside it, the room was completely empty.

The chains required a key to open. Lock picking was an easy thing to do, but what then?

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