03: The Search Begins

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I woke up thanks to the sun shining lightly through the blinds of the window.

'Mmh...What time is it?' I groaned and stretched myself.

The time on my phone told me 13:47 in bright white numbers.

'5 more minutes...' I sighed, still feeling tired.

The events of yesterday were flashing through my mind.

'Tatara Totsuka. I'm not sure, but I feel like I've heard that name before'

Yet no matter how hard I tried to think of it, I couldn't make out where I've heard it before.

With another groan, I sat up on my bed and stretched myself. Standing up, suddenly my vision went black and I had to immediately, not just sit, but lie down again.

'Not again...ok second try.'

With another heave, I sat up real fast and jumped up. Standing there for a few seconds, I took deep and calm breaths.

'Seems like I'm good this time...'

With that, I went into the bathroom, which was right outside besides my bedroom. As soon as I looked into the mirror, I sighed again.

'Well good morning Ms. Zombie. Looking as happy and energetic as ever'. My sarcasm made me smile again and I started with my daily morning routine.

While sitting on the floor, brushing my teeth, I heard a noise outside the door.

Immediately smiling, I got up and opened it. Out shot my neighbor's cats Kuro and Shiro. She is currently on vacation and entrusted me to take care of them for a few days.

'They must be hungry, as always.' They continued meowing and staring at me, with the most adorable faces ever, which made my heart melt.

I went to the kitchen, still in my pajamas, and gave them their favorite food. Both thanked me by rubbing their fur against my hands.

They already seem to like me...I don't know why but animals always seem drawn to me.

Well their love definitely isn't one-sided. Standing up again, I went inside the kitchen and made myself breakfast. Well not really made, because I just got some milk and yoghurt.Sitting down in a chair outside on my balcony, I got comfortable and started eating.

The wind flowed through my hair again and after I was done with breakfast, I just leaned back and let my mind flow back to the events of yesterday.

'I really wonder why he was shot. He seemed like such a nice guy. Although looks can be deceiving. Who knows what kind of guy he actually is.'

However, something inside me knew that wasn't right.

'Oh well that's in the past now anyway. It doesn't have anything to do with me anymore. They didn't see my face, so even if they would try looking for me, they don't have anywhere to start or anything that could lead them to me.'

Sighing, I finished my milk and relaxed. The last thing I felt, before my mind drifted somewhere else again, was Kuro jumping on my lap and laying down on me, soon falling asleep too.

----- At a bar called 'HOMRA'

It was calm and warm inside.

Just a few people were in the room, focused on their conversations. The bartender was as always behind the bar, cleaning another one of his precious wine glasses.

The Beauty Of Falling (Mikoto x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ