05: The Chase

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It was already past midnight.

Most people already were asleep, so no one was present in the streets of the living district.

It was cold, yet beautiful, as the light of the moon fell upon the city.

However, an uneasiness filled the air, as one young woman was currently trying to escape from her inevitable fate.


I could hear them running behind me.

My breath was labored and my heart beat fast, as I ran with all my might in order to lose my pursuers.

I could hear their voices, yelling at me to stop.

'Stop? As If.'

'How many are even there?'

I tried to focus on the footsteps, but there were just too many. Four people? Five? Or even more? I didn't know. But that didn't matter anyway.

I just had to run away. It didn't matter where to or how far, I just needed to escape.

After I turned around another corner, I finally had the chance to look behind me.

It was dark.

The street lamps and the moon were all that illuminated the street, yet I couldn't make out any faces.

Yet from what I saw there were four people chasing after me.

They were fast and slowly catching up to me.

My feet were already beginning to ache from the hard asphalt under me.

Turning at another corner, I quickly held myself against the wall, trying to catch my breath, even if it's only for a moment.

"Hey where did she go?!"

As new voices echoed through the streets, I couldn't help but curse my luck.

Four more people appeared out of a side street in front of me.

I was trapped. Like pray waiting to be eaten.

'Shit! There's more?!' I screamed in my head as I tried to catch my breath, while sweat drops started to form on my forehead.

They spotted me again and both of the groups were catching in on me.

I watched as they began to close in, like a victorious moment passed between them.

Desperately searching for another way, I spotted a small alleyway tucked away to my left. With no other choice, I sprinted off into the darkness.

That's when I heard it. Something was approaching and it was moving at a rapid speed.

While I continued running I quickly turned my head around, just in time to dodge a well-aimed baseball bat.

'A skateboarder?!'

He skated past me, but quickly turned around as to try for another hit.

As he aimed for my legs I barely moved in time, he was fast but I was faster!

Jumping away and landing on my feet, I bent down to try and grab his skateboard.

Yet I only managed to make him loose his balance and trip. But that was enough, I had the advantage now.

The others were much closer now though. I took off running as fast as my legs could.

But they weren't giving up. Seems like they really are persistent.

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